@Devs, what are you doing about Healing?

I mean. I am progressing with my group of friends. I am just pushing 21s right now. But even on the more cruddy dungeons when a mechanic messes us up…I dont feel it was unhealable (within context). I can typically see where in my rotation and ramp up I messed things up.

So when someone says they flat out cant heal a mechanic despite out gearing the key level…I question some things.

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This just in, WoW forums full of players that complain about things!

After the break, we find some water that’s wet!


People’s skill levels are all over the place, but to say to be unable to do a 20 key now but have in the past, is questionable. Unless if willfully ignoring an affix like afflicted or incorporeal…

And after a while, I discovered, this group only had two CCS for incorporeal (myself being one of them.) That was not fun.
Kinda slipped my mind.

This circular back and forth is why I’m actually kinda hoping they just turn every healer into a hPal. Give them the tools to do basically everything, but require them to actively be doing something to achieve it, at all times.

But think about it.

  • People cry that they can’t just exclusively heal.
  • People cry that they can only heal because even a half second distract causes the group to die.
  • People cry that there are no healers, and the response is “all the healers are healing at the high end” which is an argument so stupid to me that I can’t comprehend it properly.
  • People cry if healing was more accessible, then it’d be too brain dead easy and content would have to be harder to make healers actually work harder.

And so on and so forth.

So make all healers active. Give all of them the tools needed so they can do everything they are expected to do, but have to do it none stop to get it to go anywhere.

This way,

  • Those who want to do nothing but heal, will in fact be doing nothing but healing.
  • Those who want to also dps while healing will always be doing both.
  • A more active and interesting role will attract more people than an overpressured or boring one.

Now everyone pull out your swords and tell me why this is bad, but don’t forget the clutching pearls and the handkerchiefs for biting. I like those.


I think if I tried playing a holy paladin, I would hate it. Last tried during Nathria, and a brief week during sanctum of domination.

Just because the spec is powerful, doesn’t mean I will excel at it. And all healers are active, there isn’t an afk spec that I know about.

Is this a healer issue - or an issue with break points?

After a certain point - there is no difference doing a 16 vs a 19.

Imo a healer issue exacerbated by a breakpoint issue. The 16s will at least fill with some healers who want their vault, or 11s with healers who want an easy way to farm for the 20+ after.

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If you can easily find healers for 11s or 16s… it’s not a healer issue.

Who said it was easy?


Per the laws of the General Discussion Board, possible means easy.



This is just a snapshot and doesn’t prove or disprove anything, it’s completely useless information :man_shrugging:t2:


Thats a nice no context image. Whats that from?

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Yeah this was my experience too, like press your buttons people, lol.

Some random 23 I queued into. Leader was picky.

I guess I find it difficult to acknowledge a healing shortage when groups are willing to dismiss and be picky about the healers they choose.

Clearly if there was a genuine shortage of healers - this would not be possible

Even when queuing for 17s at 0 rating, took a while for someone to accept. (Had 430 ilvl.)

I’m 441 with 2.3k score…

I still regularly get rejected for 20s

You’re not a holy paladin :smiley: And low score too.

Pugging 20s is when I hit the wall as a healer getting into a group for not being a h pally. I’ve mostly stopped trying at this point.

And for full context, I still get my keys done for the week. I just run with my group. I just legit enjoy healing and would do more outside of my some what set group if I could.

And using my key isnt an option, because we save our keys to try to fish for dungeons we need.

So if I want to heal outside of my group, its joining a pug. And from my perspective, there doesnt seem to be enough of a healing shortage that requires people to dip outside of the super meta.

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But you see my good troll.

As long as you can get into groups in 20s everything is fine. You just have to do your own keys of course but hey, you’re doing 20s. Which means everything is fine.

Thus is the Laws of the General Discussion.
