I knew it was too good to be true
Not even close to a tldr of what he said. He makes a lot of points many of us have been telling you all for weeks now. Namely that premades are common in lfg, that group play in an MMO should be advantageous, and that splitting the queues would create other problems.
The crying about premades excluding certain classes is also nonsense, I have seen every class represented in premades. The only real requirement is priests. Sure, certain specs might not be accepted, but this has always been the case.
Premades have been the least frustrating thing I have experienced when I solo queue. I get far more pug v pug matches, and on horde, we rarely get healers (which is basically just priests). Alliance actually has a lot of HPal and balance/Rdruids queueing.
Personally I’m just waiting for a big weekend. I normally can’t stand wow PvP for anything but short periods of time, but I’ll bite the bullet and grind out this rep in a premade during a WSG weekend so I never have to enter it again.
Y’all really will stretch anything to ignore complaints you don’t agree with eh?
these made up percentages are hilarious. anyone can say the same for solo que as well. “90% of them dont type a single thing in raid chat”
bottom line is, rather you are in a premade or not you CAN be social. and in fact its ENCOURAGED to be social because the team that has the better communication generally wins.
that’s literally what happened and a literal quote from you, i don’t know how this is “stretching”
Aggrend is a clown, the people that “live” for 10 man premade bgs are FARMING REP and nothing else. They don’t give a crap about playing WSG. Meager brainpower of a paladin boomer main.
It is a made-up guesstimate. Most I joined don’t use discord and at most call out the healer names for us to focus at the start of the match.
yup, its the same for pugs. The main reason premades win is not because of them being social (that helps ofc with people sticking with one another. While I love Alliance I’ve always hated PvPing with them as they are too cowardly and don’t know how to the first fight in WSG. Not an issue in premades so that’s a plus.), but rather everyone having world buffs and stacking geared players + great comps. The few premades that don’t do that get farmed just like the pugs with near zero chance to fight back or get kills.
He will never answer why premades can’t just face other premades. The actual reason is that the only reason they form premades is to steam random pugs. So Aggrend’s blatant design philosophy is to just have a segment of the playing population that is there exclusively to get steamrolled by premades. And hope they keep queuing. He admits this when he says that fixing this issue would result in premades being killed off.
Without pug sheep for the slaughter, premades would cease to exist.
So in reality, the trade off to this design feature, that he really seems to want, is that pugs will just stay ghosts, or just autorun to the midfield while they all tab.
This is the game mode they have chosen to support. And, under the guise of keeping things social. Which in and of itself makes no sense since you play with so many other people pugging. Premades just lock themselves away with the same nine people. It is less social.
and those are the premades that soloque teams can easily win against. “focus the healers” and you see all the melee over extend and fall over because they line their healers.
Y’all are still wasting your time coping and making excuses.
The jury closed the case
You have no interest in playing WSG, you just want easy free ride steamrolls.
The sad part is that Aggrend attests to this. He admits it when he says that fixing it would kill off premades. So they have to have sheep for the slaughter. He’s essentially saying that a large segment of the playing population is only to be used as sheep for the slaughter for his precious premades – who would be killed off if they didn’t have the sheep for the slaughter to steamroll.
Anyway, it seems he’s a dev that is all about the eSports dynamic that killed off retail very early on and lost massive amounts of PVP players. That’s their prerogative if they want to repeat the mistake. At least there’s still hardcore.
Except almost exclusively solo queue.
I have interest in removing quitters / resiliance / the flat dmg nerf in WSG.
I don’t believe you whatsoever. You have lied routinely.
LOL I don’t know what to tell you, the better you get the more fun it is to solo queue.
Especially when you get to troll a premade the fun in that is 100x being in a premade stomping noobs.
Not really, it’s still rare to win as they still have 3 healers + off heal classes even when they don’t stack hunters. There are people that played 100+ games and wrote down their win / loss % in random pugs and then did it with premades.
Big surprise they lose all but a few games versus premades when in a random and only lose a few of their premade games versus other premades. I’ve had the same experience but no losses as a premade so far, we just crushed the Horde who had not even a small chance of winning. It was not fun for me at all, let alone compared to how fun I find random wsg games more often than not when fighting other random teams.
And thats cool but that experience doesnt represent everyone. Personally iv been 50/50. Being generous 45/50 against premades while I solo que or que with one friend. A group of bads is still a group of bads. A class/comp can only carry but so much.
Sorry, but I just don’t believe you at all with that win rate without proof, no offense. If it was close to that I would not care at all about premades.
I win dozens of games in a row with premade with 0 losses yet no matter how good I play along with getting everyone to stay grouped it’s extremely rare to win versus a premade. Even more so now that most of them are BFD geared with the boon and sometimes consumables for overkill.
I stopped playing random games as it’s simply no fun anymore so maybe Alliance premades just got worse but in my experience that high of a win rate verses premades as a pug with at most 1 friend is crazy unless both of you are priest. It’s just extremely hard getting through 3 priest + offheals when you tend to have 1-2 depending on your luck, I would think it’s worse for Horde with BoP being thrown on them, but I have been complimented a ton for that, and off healing so maybe most ret don’t help out.
Agreed, it is dissapointing
This pisses me off so much. I’m really enjoying SoD but the Premade vs Pug situation is WSG is hot garbage. It’s just not fun. And to hear them say “Just contribute to the problem” is the most disappointing dismissal of an otherwise great product. How about you press the one GD button that makes it the way it’s actually fair. You want to join a Premade? Great! Fight other premades. That’s literally FUN. PUGS vs PUGS - PM vs PM is literally the only fair way to do this. Who wants to join a solo chill BG only to get graveyard camped and be told by Blizzard “Just do the same thing they’re doing to you”/ Awful.