Dev's take on pvp queues is highly disappointing

making a premade isn’t as hard as you think. it’s only 10 people, yeesh :expressionless:

10 very specific people

not that specific. you just need some classes, not unlike putting together a UBRS group or whatever :expressionless:

Honestly I kinda hope all the WSG quitters, that sit afk in the GY and make no effort quit as soon as possible.

WSG will be so much better when only people who actually want to play are left.

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I feel attacked.

healing druid or priest? who’s making the premade cut then?

why don’t you make your own premade. then you can decide :expressionless:

Druid don’t have dispel so thats an easy choice.

thank you for your understanding shkek

Everyone sees that. That why they do it.

The main reason that people are making premades is quick win, quick rep. Premades vs pugs is no different than griefing or twinking. No challenge, easy kills, easy wins, easy rep. Why Blizz would support this makes zero sense and their lame attempt to justify is just stupid.

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Thats not whats happening here. Dev litterally said he’d rather do nothing so that premade players can have fun and gave a middle finger to everyone else. It’s such a terrible take as a developer.


If so, then as they say “Ignorance is bliss.”


that’s literally what’s happening here, he didn’t give you the response you wanted, you just choose to describe it as “giving the middle finger to everyone else”

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That’s not what he said. You added in the “so premades cna have fun”

Your cognitive dissonance is showing.

you can either cope about it, or adapt like a brain is meant to do

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Can you really meet new friends by joining a premade?

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The SOLUTION IS… don’t allow premade to queue. OR have them in their own queue

We know you love them, too, Eyr.

That’s why you’re playing SoD so much.


If they just let the event give rep to exalted this wouldn’t even be a problem. Thats the only reason people care so much about WSG


I wish they would just come out and say- “The vast majority of players are currently queuing WSG in premade groups. Any separate queues for solo only players would result in extremely long queue times for them. Just join a premade…”

I’m sure this truth would have heads exploding.

No, premades exist under the guise of “social”. That is the only thing they can use to justify the premades vs pugs.

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