Dev's take on pvp queues is highly disappointing

why would a premade want a non-druid flag carrier :expressionless: sounds to me like you’re not a team player.

I have 0 fun premade grinding to exalted.
If anything the current situation lowers BGs attendance. When I enter WSG it’s only with a premade for grinding, a bit sad because I loved tagging for WSG in the past.

So how are you going to solve the problem of players quiting?

Just tell every single one of them “shoulda made a premade bruh.” Yea I’m sure that will work at retaining players /s

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honestly I doubt many people are gonna quit over this, dude :expressionless:
they might quit doing BGs, but not the whole game.

same thing every fresh server. the players who quit over this arent actually quitting over this. they were never going to make it all the way anyways

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Better the complainers who are actively dragging their teams down, preventing them from playing to the BG objectives and berating them for trying quit than those who are actively participating and actively building community, while enjoying the game.

Weed out the weeds! not the healthy, contributing, active, vibrant, positive players.


Maybe not the game entirely. But quit WSG? Heck, half my friend group did that after the first premade vs PuG stomp they experienced.

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Pubstomping is neither building a community, but the opposite, and are what’s preventing people from playing the BG.


God bless the people who go afk in graveyard.

they are literally heroes trying to end the game as quickly as possible. They are helping everybody mid max.

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lol :expressionless: if you’re gonna play that way why should anyone have any sympathy. go ahead and farm whatever it is you need and then quit the BG. you’re not a real pvper anyway.

If the majority of players are queuing solo and having a bad time and your answer to them instead of addressing it you tell them to just make a group then make it so you can’t queue solo then.

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Well at least now we know that there will be no separate queu for premades.

Either you join with a premade, or you queue solo with the expectation that you will be fodder for a premade. This is how it’s going to be and it won’t be changing.

Blizzard should just completely remove the option to solo que and make WSG premade only. If you don’t have 10 players in a raid, ready to que, then you no get to play.

honestly this isn’t a bad option :expressionless: but they will probably keep solo queue anyway, as there are lots of people who solo queue knowing the risks and are okay with it.

So, because some people are actively playing poorly, being poor sports, berating others for trying, and complaining that they aren’t being carried, your idea of a solution is to ruin solo queues for everybody who is actively enjoying them?

I would be very hesitant to support an idea that rewards non-participation and complaining.


So you’re against premades queuing against solo queues, then?

Pubstomping is a disease that has plagued other games than wow, I don’t understand how ppl don’t see that. I have to face it in a tcg and it’s one of the biggest wall to get new players. Fortunately I can play police there.


Actually when I do that, or if I surrender in a MOBA (as another example), or if I leave a match in CoD; it’s me sacrificing a chance at more honor/chance to win/points/whatever to preserve my sanity.

If I’m not having fun in a pvp game I just want to quickly go to the next one. Getting stomped has never been fun in any game ever. And WoW classic doesn’t have a surrender button, or even a time limit. So the only options player have is to go AFK in GY.

It’s kind of like queing up with a bad deck in a card game and instantly surrendering against any meta deck because you know your deck stands no chance. And you just want to find an equal match so you can have fun.

No one is actively enjoying solo queue except for the pre-mades facing them. Delusion has set in from all the dieing you have experienced.

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Well its only a matter of time before premades start charging a 5g+ joiners fee