Dev's take on pvp queues is highly disappointing

buddy same! you honestly find gy camping fun? its like legit 90% of the games!

If the majority of players are doing premades then they are prioritizing the needs of the majority.

You meet hundreds more people pugging. Again, it’s a baseless point.

This should be a boilerplate on every email they get.

As a 10 man? I mean, my fun comes from the wargame feature with our circle of wsg players.

Lately if that’s not happening then I q as 3-4 and still win.

Most people are just grinding ranks and exalted and they’re gonna do whatever is necessary and you can’t realy blame em

he’s right. there just isn’t enough interest in battlegrounds for separate queues
the same thing happened with their MOBA, heroes of the storm. near the end, they started putting solo and teams together in their ranked matches. people kicked and screamed about it, but there just wasn’t enough players to support multiple queues :expressionless:

A vanilla private server made the que smart to attempt to match premade vs premade but only for short time before it made the game no matter. There doesnt need to be 2 q’s, group size limits, the changes arent “hard/impossible” to reverse ROFL. Premades and bg q’s dying is hyperbole. Regardless if you want this or not, the dev gaslighting is the actual problem and not a boogyman.


He’s right. You are wrong.

Premades aren’t a problem, because 10 mans are beaten by small groups and pugs regularly

Yeah these are just moves you make during a planned decline, not a game you’re trying to build up. Putting them together just accelerates the loss of players.

“it’s an old school social mmo thing.”

No, it’s a season of discovery thing. We never had this problem in vanilla, or in classic, or in classic TBC.

Ya’ll act like you’re preserving history when in reality this is a brand new thing and people like have been playing the game for 20 years without premades.

Are you saying you honestly find being gy camped fun? (I don’t think anyone is saying either of these things, but for sure it’s more fun to be GY camping than getting camped).

However, there’s a pretty simply solution to being GY camped. STOP BEING GY CAMPED.

How hard is it to type:

/bg "Hey guys, let's all res together and FF on %t!"
/bg "Maybe you can sheep or cc %t somehow, while we do."
/bg ready in 10
/bg 9
/bg 8
/bg ...

And if you actually think that this sort of thing is impossible, then the question of what the heck you’re doing queueing for PVP Battlegrounds in an MMORPG comes to mind.


Yes. Thank you. This is the obvious solution here. It requires a little bit more work than a separate que, but if a private server could do it the SoD team could do it.

Just have a smart matchmaking algorithm that tries to match premades of equal size without letting que times get too long.


This is another prime example of why Blizzard don’t interact with this community


“ok heres your response and here’s an entire twitter thread”

forums burst into flames


what you really meant is

“why won’t the devs do exactly what i want and immediately”

Its still good they’re interacting. Now people that don’t like the response and see no planned action can just quit knowing that nothing is coming. And people who want the opposite can be encouraged. It’s good for them to make their position clear.


i feel you that sounds fun! wargames should be a rbg feature where players like you could be rewarded for a competitive environment!
right now if someone solo ques- their team might not have a healer and its just a gy farm.
its not fun for anyone

blizzard is too busy making all those ridiculous runes you love so much to program a “smart queue”. :expressionless:
this is why being more conservative was the right approach. it would leave development room for genuine good ideas like smarter queuing.

They could easily just make the queue require >=1 healer per team. Would not be difficult.

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That’s not exactly an accurate representation of what one of the devs said on their own personal Twitter account…

Not to say we won’t make adjustments; we are actively talking about this internally basically daily, …”

They could easily (or not so easily in some cases) do A LOT of things. However, as it is players have a fair amount of agency over how we choose to play this game. It’s definitely possible to have fun and enjoy ourselves.

Some people seem to choose complaining and dragging others down as their way of having fun. While I don’t like the complaining, it’s not as disruptive to my actual gameplay as non-participation in group activities, or even worse calls for non-participation, and harassment of players who are participating according to the BG objectives.


Start your own premade.

Problem solved.

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Me- I wanna run the flag, I am strong flag carrier
Premade- Are you druid.
Me: No
Premade- Not a chance

Solo Q: I got the flag- goin tunnel [oh nevermind I have been dead and graveyard camped last 8 minutes] this warsong mark of honor is shiny thanks daddy agg

he made it very clear that if you want an enjoyable pvp experience, it’s time to group up :expressionless: which is what I said too btw. just putting that out there.