Dev's take on pvp queues is highly disappointing

I’ve been in premade with every class type. You can get in one. What class / spec you trying to que as?

“Some activities are just better in a group.”

PUGs are already in a group…wtf is this guy talking about.



He seems to have lost sight that this is a seasonal realm experience. It’s temporary. Common sense says you should prioritize the experience for the majority of your players. Dunno how that lesson was lost.


Very disappointing, to say the least. This was cool, but if we can’t do solo bgs - i dont see a point.


Premades are not social let’s not lie here. 90% of them are just people stacking classes with very little talk happening. I find people talk to one another more in pugs.


its just lazy. make RBGs- no other game pits randoms vs coordinated teams.


Premade diacords eh.

Nah im good, i rather not sit there listening to ignorant, racist jokes all night.


There’s hundreds of games going. The doom and gloom you wish to come will never happen. Same as every other server launch

Oh man I didn’t even think about it but yeah. Lots of people in public discords are actually just trash people with trash humor.


doom and gloom? How am I wrong? have you done premades?
its legit just people class stacking priests and hunters.


All I do is q wsg bruh. I beat premades with 3 to 4 people.

Did you know that having too many of 1 class is actually extremely detrimental for you, when you are against a well balanced comp premade that is actually good?

People are stacking hunters bc you’re all suiciding in mid and not going for the flag and not peeling your flag carrier

They need to have quickplay and ranked or something.

Not everyone wants to find 9 players every time they want to play a BG.

Sometimes they might want to group, but you should be allowed to have an ok bg experience without always being in a 10 stack


You can do just fine without 10 people

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All they have to do is force Premade vs Premade until like 5 minutes in queue and then you face pugs. It’s not a hard system at all considering how populated and how fast the queues are, it can easily work. Catering to people that want to easily win by bullying pugs is a dumb system and argueably you can raise the threshold up to 10 minutes and it would be fair.


I would happily resign my position if Aggrend offered something that wasn’t easily debunked. If having premades face each other “kills off premades” then it was never viable in the first place. It proves the only reason they exist is to stack OP classes and gear, comm up, and steamroll randomly put together players. And YES, it’s ok to kill that system.

He had to literally strawman the issue to be about “killing premades to make solo easier”. It’s a bit irritating. But shows on some level he understands addressing the actual argument would make him look irrational, thus had to strawman.

Which is the elephant in the room. Aggrend is dancing around how if premades had to only face other premades, it would kill premades. Great! He’s admitting the only reason they exist is to steamroll pugs. That’s the game they’re facilitating. I’d be embarrassed. If they want a better meta to encourage premades, then design one other that “you get to steamroll people who solo queued”.

This idea that the issue is about “making it easier for solo play” is irritating at the least.


Perfect take by the dev.

He coulda said it in two words: “Get good”


They know about it, you’re missing the point which is that you have to socialize and join premades yourself.

Thank you Aggrend for putting these babies back in their place.

Carry on now.

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Its the usual problem with the blizz devs, they don’t operate on principle or vision, but on desperation to retain players. They never think about how many people just don’t show up in the first place due to their bad design decisions.

They think: “if we change this the queues might dry up”

Not: “a lot more people might queue if they weren’t forced into ridiculously imbalanced matchups”

Like imagine there was no solo queue in league of legends. You think it would have its current playerbase if every other game you queued was against a 5-man group where you got stomped?


It seems more to me like the TLDR is there’s more to think about than separating the queues, and once we open up more BGs (very soon), this “problem” will likely no longer exist anyway.


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