Devs STILL haven't done pathfinder

People didn’t quit over pathfinder like they did over the outright removal of flying.

Try to keep up.

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Exactly this. One of my big memorable moments was when me and a friend flew to Nagrand to do an elite area one of the fel corrupted areas. It was like 5 man quests so you couldn’t just drop in kill what you need and fly away. We had to land and plan out our kills.

Flying in the game yet I still remember something I did with a friend 12 years later.


That just makes the argument of “if you don’t like flying just stay on the ground” even stronger.


Then they could just stay on the ground and let the people who love flying actually have flying before a year into the expansion.

I wouldn’t if i was a developer. Spending all day everyday working on it, you probably wouldn’t want to do it at home too. Need a break.

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They make money selling flying mounts. Their logic is so broken it’s mind boggling.

I play more now that I finally unlocked pathfinder.

When I get stuck running in circles for 5 minutes trying to find the correct path up a hill, but can’t get a toehold, I just want to log off.

If they like ground stuff then make the landscape make sense. Plus, stop forcing us to climb distant mountain, so we can glide down to a dam tree branch half the zone away. This is just crazy and not content.


Simple answer to a fake story:

They havent done Pathfinder because they never wanted flying to begin with.

Now, I realize my answer is as made up as your scenario… but I’m just playing along.


I was pretty sure they don’t play the game as players.

Can you tell us exactly how many developers characters and accounts you’ve checked since this is funny?

They are OG raid loggers… and spend many hours on the game at work, last thing they want to do is spend more of it on the game at home. I’m sure they just log in to raid or whatever and the rest with their families.

They also implemented pet battles etc, you don’t see them all embracing that system, lol.

Whoever does the choices, demands etc, a lot is done to appease several sectors plus a divided player base.

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This is the way I see it as well… Working in corporate America there is absolutely nothing more important than metrics and Pathfinder is low-hanging hanging fruit to increase player engagement.

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They play a certain amount I would imagine but at the end of a day it is still a JOB. Regardless of how much you like it/love it. I would not work on something for 8-10 hrs a day and then go home to what…play it? Are you nuts?

You can’t compare supplies (wood) to creative intellectual property (WoW / games)

Everyone saying the devs don’t have time to play… What about the players? We’re not all 30k viewer streamers. We have lives.

The last thing people want to do is come home and farm mindless rep in order to achieve things they already had each expansion. I mean heck with Azerite gear you had to re-earn traits you already had at the start of the expansion.
The devs don’t wanna do it and neither do we.


Most hills have a path that is different color where you can run up it. Very noticable.

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So don’t. I got pf2 in 2 weeks barely playing.

If you’re only focused on unlocking flying you’re gonna have a bad time.

It comes naturally as you play. Contracts and the anniversary and darkmoon faire all help if you need it.

If you can do it in two weeks, good for you, but why defend a system that drives away 50% of the player base. I had 5 friends leave in WoD due to pathfinder.

Spoiler alert, it wasn’t pathfinder. Wod had a rough start.

So first you have a beauty in ion and now you personally know all my friends??? Some posters are nuts.


Devs don’t play the game? Shocker, truly. Everything they have changed for the last half a decade was clearly well recieved and welcome by the community.