Not really all that surprising considering how all these big companies seem to just milk people now, and this isn’t just about gaming companies either, this is about america at large.
So I wouldn’t really believe that employees or developer’s were being treated properly either. Or paid well for that matter.
At the end of the day, it is all about making as much money as they can, ethicly or not, the more money the better. It has nothing to do with fair work practices, or employee treatment, or customer satisfaction. It is all a facade at the end of the day.
That and the economy is broken. Everything is to expensive now, which, I mean, how much do these companies think they can keep this up before customers on average just stop paying insane prices for them. People in charge raise prices because they know they can get away with it, even though they really don’t need to, but for how long. I dunno. I am sick of it though lol.
What confounds some of these situations even further is that facebook and twitter and tik tok, and those types of places exist now. And it just amplifies everything ten times over. The spread of information. Money making potential, often times without having do really do anything, or have any talent. Rare to see anyone become famous with zero talent back in the days before the internet. It is just insane to me seeing some of the stuff that passes for entertainment now. And of course, I have seen some of the dumbest ideas, and some of the dumbest products actually get crowdfunded to. And some of these ideas and products, actually make it to market. Like good lord the internet, was just a mistake. It raises the stakes. The barrier to entry for a con artist is just non existent now.
I feel like when it comes to working, it is basically the 1950’s all over again. The working conditions are terrible. People don’t get paid enough. And stuff is way to expensive. It truly does seem that way anyway. They obviously did not have the internet, but I feel like we are falling into the same trap.
We also have to deal with political correctness and hyper inclusivity in the work place now. I hate that bullcorn. People just take advantage of that stuff to. Like, man, someone looked at me. Oh god. Better report that person to the HR Asap. It only encourages stupid people to do stupid stuff like that.
I am sorry, But If I ran a business, I would want normal people working for it. Not stupid people. Oh but stupid people still give money and pay taxes. So what. And I am not talking about just any stupid person. I am talking about people who choose to be stupid. That is the issue. Alot of folks choose to be stupid. They really are not stupid though. Those people are just borderline narcissists, and I just would not want those people working for me.
I mean, you have folks with disabilities, and that is all fine and good, but these people are not stupid. Or dumb. I cannot stand the people who choose to be stupid. Who create unecessary drama. Those people are not worth my time. But to any big company, if you have 2 hands and 2 legs, who cares how annoying you are. Doesn’t matter if you are a borderline terrible human being in general, come on in. You still pay taxes at the end of the day lol.
I mean corporate america, is corporate america. Nothing is new. But it is reaching it’s apex these days. The amount of stupid situations is getting insane. Prices are getting insane to. Big companies are allowed to take advantage of the internet to the fullest extent. To not only milk players and consumers, customers to death. But also employees to. The making workers work at the office probably benefits the big dogs in some way. But maybe they are doing this just to be jerkbags to. Maybe a combination of the 2.
It isn’t really isn’t all that surprising seeing all the stuff going on around me when it comes to working to be honest. Working has always been annoying and bad. But now, it is really terrible. I don’t remember being in the same types of situations when I was a kid. Seems like the young adult crowd are not really good workers anymore either. You take what you can get I guess.
I mean, no one really wants to work anymore either. But I feel like proper working conditions and a functioning economy would help with that. But alot of today’s young kids, I shudder to see the future in the next 10 to 15 years or so.