Devs speaking out against blizzard

Wait, you think Blizzard is paying high salaries compared to the tech industry standard? Lmfao.


Cope all you want. Reality bares it out over and over again.


Here you are being unbelievably dense again, unable to imagine a scenario where some one purchases an apartment to rent to others. You know people own apartments right? They rent them out to people and call themselves “landlords”


Sorry that you have to go back to an office (not even full time in most cases) Blame the ethic of individuals abusing the privilege of working from home, not the companies concerned about their assests and profits.

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My inside guys seem to point at corporate incompetency.

There is absolutely nothing about these positions that requires being in an office, and that’s not even the problem here. Clueless.


lol some of the replies over in that Twitter thread are just savage. Dude is getting rightfully dragged.


Xennial, ty. Learn to adjust to a changing world or be left behind.

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I hadn’t considered that. Maybe this guy wants chattel slavery back.

Oh I forgot I got my twitter back - now I can visit that thread.


These days people be living in an air conditioned apartment ordering some door dash and playing WoW while being like “Yeah bro, this is exactly what the slave trade was like.”


Entitlement is these corporation who piss and moan while they underpay employees, pay C.E.O millions , all the while when employees ask to make a liveable wage they claim poverty while they receive corporate welfare from the government. Then they are doing massive stock buy-backs or added bonuses for executives cause at the end of the day it’s not the c.e.o who makes a company it’s the people doing the work.


You clearly don’t live in SoCal and have zero understanding of the traffic, commute times, and how far you have to go from Irvine to find affordable housing in today’s market, not to mention the fact Blizzard, (like Disney), pay lower wages than industry standard, when they can afford to pay more so their employees could live closer.

We have 18 MILLION PEOPLE in the greater Los Angeles area, which includes all of OC.

That’s more than 46 States.

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Doing the same job in office or at home is still the same work. It’s not any more real just because it’s in the office :joy:

“People these days don’t know what real work is” stop with the cringe fest.


I know reading is hard. You missed the part where they said they are paying significantly less for cost of living for better pay.

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It is 1000% obvious at this point that you aren’t remote…LOL. The bitterness is real.

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In the office they have access to more tools, aswell as easier communication with others working on projects.

What’s cringe is crying because you actually need to go to work to stay employed.


Exactly. Just figure out what works for you. I also understand the other side of the argument where like if you got bills to pay then you gotto do what you gotto do. But if you have the leverage, then definitely aim for an environment that you know serves you.


I understand your stance. I work in a position, where I have to be at my work. I can do some admin from at home, but work requires my presence.

There are a lot of factors which weigh in on the people wanting to work from home. I will just put them out there, just in case you havent considered them.

Unpaid Time: For a lot of people the work commute is not a huge factor. Just a necessary evil. However, in Irvine where Blizz HQ is, the commute for most is over an hour. Not to mention putting wear and tear on their vehicles, high gas prices ect. In an environment where they may be getting paid on the low end of the market rate, and having to take 3 hours of your day, as commuting to and from work, is unpaid time and expenses. You might say it is the cost of doing business. But if they can produce the same quality of work without that expense, its more money and time in their pockets.

Living Expenses: Irvine CA is expensive to live in. And most of the surrounding areas are very expensive to live in. Again, if they are getting paid on the low end of market rate for their job, and have to live in an area where the cost of living is extremely high, it hits them in the wallet. Now if they can live further away, in a cheaper, less expensive area, and still perform their job to the fullest, it makes more sense to do so.

More Cost of Living: By working from home, they can save money on many more areas. Aside from commute expenses, and living in an expensive area. Child care for one. Anyone who has children can tell you how expensive child care is. In some areas, it can be $1500+ a month or more. Or if you have to pay a sitter by the hour, now you are looking at that unpaid 3hr commute daily, as time you have to pay a sitter for.

If you are in a job market where you are getting paid on the low end of what your field is offering, the perks of a job should make an impact. And if you can perform your job, and complete your full workload, and the work you put out is quality, all while working from home, that could be a perk to getting paid less.

But the truth of the matter, is that there are probably more reasons than ending work from home that are causing people to leave. Riot, Square Enix, and most other game dev companies have also reigned in working from home. They all have lost some people, but you do not see reports of them hemorrhaging employees. So I would say, while ending work from home is one factor in the whole equation, the other reasons probably have the larger impact on people leaving.

Not sure those are the groups I want to be listening to.

The people who study economics as a whole and are involved in the strongest economies in the world?

You’re right. I guess I’ll listen to professors protected by tenure and undergrads.

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