Intern is in quotations for a reason. Good lord…
I dont know why you guys worry about stuff like that, like you dont have anything else to worry about in your life.
Dragonflight is putting out content at a pretty fast pace, and a lot of that development happened with employees working from home, so it’s not a matter of them being lazy. We’re coming up on 10.1 in May, and they’ve consistently released patches, like Forbidden Reach patch. So logic dictates the issue the higher ups have with WFH isn’t actually based on productivity.
The actual answer is likely that the suits need to justify the big Blizzard campus, but at the same time kick and screech at the notion of paying people more to offset the cost. Execs these days seem to have zero concept of compromise, they’re like children who want their cake and to eat it too, and anyone who doesn’t give it to them is stupid and lazy. It’s not logical in the slightest.
It’s like they conveniently forget the key aspect of capitalism. Working for Blizzard for the ‘prestige’ worked fine… ten years ago, but if people literally cannot afford to work for your company then you lose talent left and right, simple as that.
So they guy complaining on Twitter is in customer service. Who was it that quit? So this whole thing is probably over exaggerated? Probably was his friend that quit. I’d imagine anyone quitting isn’t going to be to happy about the company. They are quitting after all.
Says he is a producer in his twitter bio. Who knows though and honestly, who cares?
Blizzard can you please just not get into drama for 5 minutes… FOR 5 MINUTES!
Now where’s the ‘Fun’ in that?
Sounds dodgy looking at a glance.
But what’s the whole story behind it? What this person responsible for? Were they as talented as Adam makes them out to be? What are the details? Did this person who was fired update anyone yet on why? What was his idea?
I just wanna know the whole story before having a fully formed opinion… but I know that upper management at most companies or places of work are utterly useless.
oh please enlighten
Sadge. RIP!
You want me to enlighten you on how to read?
I want you to enlighten me on how to make assumptions about what they said.
Or just try and read what was said lol.
or maybe you should consider you don’t know who you are talking to when you come up with your snark - try educating yourself.
That sounds about right since you are a nobody and I have no reason to care who you are in the first place.
That explains, alot.
It’s just confirmation on that underlying feeling that not much has changed there. So that is saddening.
I pretty much got that hunch last year and even though the new expansion has been pushing “new beginnings” a lot… what I seen advertised (not all of it) felt like it was half hearted. Which resulted in me not purchasing this expansion… along with a couple other reasons. It’s not that I believe the claims of individuals there don’t have any drive. I just don’t think they were given the proper opportunity and time. I mean a lot of people agreed the new expansion was released a lot more earlier than anticipated.
So every once in a while I express my dissatisfaction of what I felt overall happened and that I felt like the expansion was sabotaged. They still have time this expansion to make amends. No idea if they will actually take that opportunity. I don’t think I could even contemplate purchasing a new expansion if they don’t try and do some tweaks to the current one. I know I will be refraining from purchasing other Blizzard products like Diablo 4. (That’s just me tho…) Which I understand isn’t really fair to the team that created it because they probably did a great job with ample time. Still this uneasiness and feeling of same old routine with no real change. Hasn’t been worth purchasing and playing in relevant content.
I am still around because small changes have been alright but nothing mind blowing. I’m unsure how much longer I will participate in it. Also to see how that deal is going to go through if it even goes through. I wish things were looking a lot better there. It would’ve been nice if what they were advertising was actually legitimate. I bet a lot of people feel that unease I do about this company too. Rather it be the employee or customer. It seems like some people don’t really care unfortunately (the people paid way too much there) they can’t stay in stalemate forever (that things are supposedly great on paper… while there is no way they haven’t lost tons of customers) and that’s coming to a close soon one way or another.
…you shouldn’t be allowed to ship lore characters and pitch your ships as legitimate things when you work in the creative team of a company.
You need to put aside your personal feelings of who you think belong together for a story.
Like, that’s rule #1 of any type of creative hiring. What is this person talking about?
Are they freaking out because Blizzard won’t let them put Wrathion and Anduin together? (Looking at their twitter and your post)
Like, I’m a Wranduin fan, but I’d literally never actually pitch that as a thing if I got hired at Blizz. Because I know to separate what I like and what is being set up.
If I’m misunderstanding - feel free to correct me, but it feels like they’re throwing a tantrum and people are quitting because Blizzard won’t entertain the notion that their ships aren’t canon.
Or they could be someone who wishes that servitude and enslavement was still allowed, I would assume, as those were the workers treated the worst and got paid nothing and no benefits while severe punishments.
Oof, they meant ship a product out the door, they weren’t commenting on goofy garbage like which characters hook up with each other lol.
I literally had to do a double take reading this post.