Devs speaking out against blizzard

that’s not a fact. that’s an opinion.


This is why you make them have a crafting room… and you let them determine if crafting or kids are more important. :wink:

Equity is just a politically correct term for discrimination. Maybe its because im not American, but it seems way too obvious for me. Any country that implement equity also indirectly agree that one race is superior to the other.

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Never said it was a fact?

then what relevance does it have to this conversation?

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You think it was rushed, I don’t.

Equity is amazing. You can cash in on the historical suffering of your ancestors. I can’t wait for the other shoe of equity to drop which is kin punishment. No longer can ancestral guilt go unpunished!

Classic; insulting the intellect of others while being too dense to imagine a situation in which some one can move to a lower cost of living area because they no longer have the obligation of going to the office. Bravo.


The office manager has to cover for the lazy employees.
Her philosophy is “I dont ask my people to do anything I wont do or have done”
Sorry but that generation has a great work ethic.

The boomlets want to do bare minimum for top rate salary. Thats the problem not employers. This generation is spoiled and entitled.

just to clarify, Glaxigrav isn’t a dev as per your title.

he’s a support agent.

Definitely shows with the quality of this game, really never seen an expansion with so many bugs, imbalances, and maintenances.

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Not since he started many years ago. He was promoted to more senior roles into mgt and eventually to a Producer on the WoW team which seems to be something like a Project Manager. So keeping the project on schedule and on budget. When he says that someone leaving impacts the schedule, it is because he is in charge of keeping the project on said schedule. Losing fantastic senior people because of hard headed and inflexible management only hurts the actual game development - which means we don’t get things on time, or they are not in as finished a shape. He is talking about loss of people forcing things to be pushed off or cut. It sucks when you REALLY love the game and want to deliver the cool stuff the team has been working on. To see the players (and yourself) playing it.

But yeah, he is not a Developer. He is lamenting the members of the Dev team leaving. Like one of the most senior quest folks. “Intern” Jackie Wiley just left after something like 10 years. So have several others who have been there more than 10 years.

Or acknowledging that one race got it way better than the other. Like all those family dynasties that got rich from Slave labor and screwing over minorities who had to fight tooth and nail to be treated as human beings. Even then there are parts of the country still that will get you killed if you are a minority. There’s cases where the Police there even cover it up and even participated in it.

Such as that poor young man who was murdered in one of those rural towns and they found his head removed from his body. The police there said it was a suicide and shut the case. It only is getting investigated again because it reached national news and the Cops still insist there was no wrong doing. Wanna know why? Because they participated in it. Then we have those Oklahoma GOP members who were recorded saying they wished they could still lynch and beat black people for no reason other than they want to and now are being investigated by the FBI.

Don’t pretend that the USA has given everyone a fair shake.


lol your self delusion is off the charts.

Sounds like DEI needs to DIE before it kills the company completely.

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Spoken like someone who doesn’t get or care how blue collars are treated…or maybe you don’t work or haven’t worked. Your comment oozes with ignorance honestly.

I think I made it clear I don’t care how workers are treated at all regardless of their collar.

Doesn’t really change my point. What kind of person wouldn’t care how workers are treated? Someone who doesn’t work or has never worked.

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the quests they are making aren’t all that special, I am sure the game will survive just fine and someone being an ‘intern’ for 10 years doesn’t sound like a valuable employee to be honest.


i don’t think. i know. the release date was first quarter 2023. then they suddenly decided it was gonna be november 2022. this isn’t a coincidence. your just choosing to ignore facts at this point. they deliberately rushed the game out to meet the holiday deadline.

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