TLDR: The Devs need to start trying to design Tanks for competitive Arena. Just try otherwise you are trolling everyone. The players that play Tanks and the players that are forced to play along side them.
The Devs say that Banning Tanks from Arena/Solo Shuffle is not an option and it shouldn’t be since we should be inclusive to every Class role and ALL content should be designed for Tank/Dps/Healers.
However you aren’t making them viable or competitive either. If you keep nerfing Tanks which are now considered a Dps slot in Solo shuffle and take 67% more damage than Dps. You are just griefing the rest of the players that waited an hour in Que. That now has to play with a Tank that is Squishy and doesn’t offer competitive Dps. Making the situation worse for everyone.
So if you don’t want them to compete with damage-dealing specializations then how can they play? Please tell me how Tanks can compete? They take 67% more dmg in PvP which is too much and now you don’t want them doing competitive damage either?
Please Dear Devs, Tell me what you expect Tanks to do in Arena? Use harsh language and hope the other team DCs?
If you are going to categorize Tanks as a Dps they need to do damage = too Dps!! Otherwise they aren’t competitive and then it just pisses off Dps and Healers because Tanks aren’t contributing.
You gotta do something, there has to be some sort of ground we need to break in design here where you can make Tanks Glad/Rank 1 competitive in PvP. Either buff their utility dramatically and make them Tanky. Or Buff their Damage. You gotta pick one though other wise the ENTIRE community just suffers.
It’s a dam if you do dam if you don’t situation. However as someone that done Prot War Solo shuffle. My team mates who have waited 30 min, 45 mins or more see that they waited that long to get a game with a Tank. They are pissed. I tell them don’t blame me blame the Devs for not making us more competitive and we are here to play too.
I’ve played Prot in PvP for 16 years. Since day one of making a character in this game. It’s what I do and that isn’t going to change despite the Devs best efforts to eliminate Tanks from PvP due to some vocal competitive Arena minority.
I can’t speak for every Tank class but for Prot at least give us Shield Slam dispel back or some awesome utility to contribute in these matches if you don’t want us to do dmg. Otherwise you are just trolling the entire community when Dps/Healer get stuck with a Tank. It’s not our fault. We want to play too. Scratch that… We want to COMPETE too.
Come on Devs. Just try… All I want is you to start trying…You just nerf and walkaway like it’s not your problem. Please do better and try to make Tanks competitive in PvP. It just makes the community overall healthier.
If you need help just contact me. We can do this.