Devs Keep Nerfing Hunters and Ignore Every Other Class

They have not been minor, hunters were always think kings, followed by rogues. Rogues are already the meta at this point in pvp and pve. Hunters don’t scale for crap, ready of the classes scale exceptionally well… have a clue before you comment.

It seems like many of the above posters do not understand why hunters are upset. Lets break it down. Due to nerfs on the runes Explosive Shot and Chimera Shot all of the runes worth using on the hunter are pet based. Meaning - hunter dps is tied directly to the pet.

Blizzard designed this yet they keep nerfing the pet damage while providing no buff to hunter damage to compensate.

Most of the other class runes provide either - a new role available, an ability to smooth out the rotation, quality of life changes to strengthen the class role. Hunters meanwhile have not received a thing, its the same braindead gameplay that was available in Era.

What hunters want is a fun and engaging style of gameplay, not this Era copy paste disaster.


do nothing. gut the class harder.

This video pretty much sums up why hunters needed another nerf:

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So a meme video that shows world pvp of a hunter using EotB on a bunch of pve heroes should be the basis for buffs or nerfs?

Have you seen the world pvp video of shamans or balance druids nuking people?


No one can deny that hunters are the favorite whipping boy of Blizzard.
All of classic proves it, and this sorry excuse for “tuning” proves it farther.
If you deny it, you are blind and stupid.
Blizzard says it doesn’t want outliers, but yet does nothing but open the road for the pure melee classes to thrive and be the top dog outlier of DPS.
But Hunters dare to push ahead and get slapped down with nerf, after nerf, after nerf.
I don’t see Blizzard nerfing the warrior class when they pull 300DPS in BFD…
I don’t see the Rogues getting their wings clipped when they fly in the face of God with their DPS.
But Hunters dare to try and push ahead, and are faced with unending nerfs to their “New abilities” and now nerfed in the ability to benefit from buffs.
Just come right out and say it Blizzard, because EVERY SINGLE ACTION you have done proves it, you hate the Hunter class.
Just remove it from the game at this point, we can’t even have fun playing it really- because just as we learn to have fun or be able to play it where we can have some fun AND be a benefit to a group or raid- You come along and nerf it some more.
Just remove the class, and be done with it.
Your actions prove that’s what you’d like to do, so just do it and stop jerking us around.


When pets stop being more effective than players all on their own then they’ll be in a good place. We’ll get there I’m sure.


The nerfs to hunters were warranted, although a bit heavy handed. My complaint with Blizz’s approach to the hunter class is that its the only class that feels the same in SoD as it did in Classic. Its not like hunters are top dps even though they are the only pure dps class in SoD. Blizz needs to offer players new ways to play the class.

  1. Incorrect. Druids provide Wild Strikes, not Hunters. Hunters don’t bring any buffs near that important to the raid. (They also do not bring buffs as powerful as Shaman totems or Paladin Blessings.)

  2. It takes a well geared Hunter between 2 and 3.5 times longer to kill a weak player than it takes a well geared Warrior or Paladin to do the same.

This isn’t my post and I’m not the one complaining. I just stepped in to support the OP.

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“skill” lol. You’re goofy.

Finally, someone understands.
Thank you.


boomkin has been overpowered for almost 0% of its existence, you can count the times:

  • convoke in Shadowlands
  • innervate in BFA (blizzcon 2018 - nerfed almost immediately)

while mage/rogue have been completely broken on and off (but mostly on) the entire history of the game. They just cant bear to see a less popular class be good for long

And the nerf specifically targets a raid buff. The fix to hunters in pvp is to apply the same dampening to pets that players already get. Your baby rage clouds your brain from recognizing the real issue.

Also worth mentioning nerfing a class into the ground due to dominance in a meme bracket in a meme level 25 phase where they are in their strongest iteration when nearly every class is missing gigantic pieces of their kit is actually a braindead idea.

Uh oh, someone hasnt seen the logs with deep wounds ticking for over 1100. Youre either in denial or coping.

Everyone on this post is missing the point;
Hunters at large dont care about pets getting nerfed. We care about being pigeon-holed into playing boring beast mastery spec after every other new ability gets nerfed into oblivion and then having ournlast remaining option also get nerfed. So not only are we stuck playing era hunter, we’re subject to nerfs that make us less competetive in raids now and in the future (we def arent getting ony buff now either).


Speak for yourself. Theres plenty of hunters who want pets to be able to solo others and its all over the forums. With people denying the current reality of Hunters warping pvp meta around them.

Lmao pvp meta in a phase that ends in a couple weeks, that is premade vs pug stomping 90% of the time, and is the least efficient method of getting silverwing rep.

Yes. There is a meta. And that is that Hunters and Priests are the gods of PVP right now. Laughing that theres a meta doesn’t change that fact.

Also you can’t get exalted from Ashenvale. You have to WSG.

Hunters deserve every nerf and I hope the bat keeps swinging.

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Personally I would rather are pets be more toned down but other options being viable. Currently pets are the only real way we can do damage and hunter plays exactly like era, I’d rather we got to do some cool new things but we have to work with the hand we were dealt. Also, bear in mind that hunter has always been strong at lower levels but man, the class is just too much fun to not play it, nerfs and all lol

i have seen the log…the guy ended at 228 dps as the rank 1 warrior in the world, the deep wounds build is a gimmick bleed fishing build that only works effectively on the turtle boss, all other bosses are dominated by 2handers. Him spending 50 globals attacking a boss for 5 damage so he can stack deep wounds so it ticks 3 times for 1000 is such niche gameplay that nerfing it to nerf warriors would do basically nothing

You’d be better nerfing actual good stuff that people use, like consumed by rage

It needs a buff not only in numbers but it needs to add something like, increase pushback on attacks or remove deadzone or something to make up for loss of kiting\pet damage knockback.

I hate sniper training, i dont know anybody that likes standing still for 6 seconds to get a small buff like that. We basically do that right now but while autoattacking its such a boring rune i cant believe they picked it over like trap shooter or rapid fire or something fun.

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