I’m not sure I understand what’s happening anymore. Hunters have received multiple nerfs with almost every single season change since week 1.
Lone Wolf was nerfed heavily before launch, so now it’s a completely dead ability.
Sniper Training was nerfed Heavily before launch, so now it’s a completely dead ability.
Explosive Shot was turned into a 5 damage AOE ability that does literally nothing anymore.
Chimera Shot got reduced to 85% weapon damage for some reason when it was already worse than Aimed Shot, and the Serpent Sting component does no damage.
Scorpids were discovered and understandably nerfed.
Pet scaling was turned down by 50%, making pets a lot weaker because of Scorpids.
Wind Serpent Lightning Breath was doing a lot of damage with Kill Command, and Kill Command got nerfed to a completely useless state.
BFD Buff doesn’t apply to pets anymore.
BM Rune Reduced to 20% DMG/HP and 50% Focus Regen
Am I hallucinating? Don’t the devs have access to the WCL site? Do they not play their own game? Can’t they see just how much more broken the other classes are right now?
I was under the impression that SOD was meant to be for fun, that the devs weren’t going to focus so much on balance and just try to make a season we can mess around in and all be overpowered for a while. But what’s the point when you take a class and make it just as worthless as its vanilla self? Why should I even bother playing Hunter anymore when I know you guys will just keep nerfing it?
It’s really frustrating when all you do is nerf us, and we get nothing in return. At least buff the unused parts of our class, buff the unused runes, do something, man.
while hunters are strong, the gameplay is identical with vanilla gameplay at the moment.
Nerf pets, but make other aspects of the class interesting. Let us focus on melee, traps, or anything else, cause right now we are auto shotting and waiting for pet to do dmg.
You can decrease our power, just make the class fun/interesting to play, create a high skill-ceiling.
I get we needed nerfs, but it’s not cool when we’re the only ones. Last seven patches hammered hunters, and everything else gets buffs. There are multiple other things that need a nerf, but devs are ignoring them.
Seriously, you play the whiniest class I have ever seen. And most visitors to these forums would agree with me. Hunters in SoD are the most ridiculous thing I have seen, even comparable to the first patch Death Knights from Wotlk.
You play a class that can solo elite mobs 4-5 levels above you.
You play a class that has a pet that can solo kill other players with ease.
You play a class that requires the least amount of skill and yet most of you in pvp situations have no idea how to kite (PRESS YOUR S KEY HARDER BRO).
You play a class that was nerfed 6 times and STILL is the PREFFERED class in wsg and the class all premades stack.
You play a class that provides the BEST BUFF in the game and is truly mandatory in 10 man raids.
You play a class that is soo over tuned and broken that if you were to poll customers on which class is the best, the response overwhelmingly would be Hunters.
And yet here you are complaining? HAHAHAHAHHA… Like really? ahhahahahahah.
You have completely delusional ideas about what is good balance.
As a hunter main from day 1 of SoD, serpent needs to be nerfed into the ground. Lighting breath is an absolute joke and my pet literally solos people while im afk
Exactly. Meanwhile, warriors are supposed to be underpowered at this level, but they are the top dps atm. Hence all the warrior nerfs going around right?
nerf wild strikes lol. funny though, the only class coming close to keeping up witht he main wildstrikes classes (r/w) is hunter that doesn’t even benefit.
you mean deep wounds, which is an actual bug, meaning “unintended by developers”. That’s the same argument used for the BFD buff pet nerf in the official dev post. Exact wording is “gain far more damage than intended”.
That’s exactly the case with deep wounds as well, isn’t it?
deep wounds isn’t why warriors are top dps, the deep wounds build is more of a gimmick that relies on dual wielding, most top warriors are using a 2hander, nerfing deep wounds would do basically nothing
I still do 20% more dps with Heavy Marauder Scimitar + Blackfathom Ritual Dagger (a caster item) than with Fathomblade. Of course it becomes irrelevant once you get the epic sword… bug being fixed by 4% droprate item on last boss of the only raid lol.