Higher chance of them nerfing pets so far into the ground they will be weaker than era and then lone wolf will be viable…
My hunter pet can solo kill a player in 12-14 seconds. Both a warrior and paladin can solo either of us (hunter or pet) in 4 globals.
Are you one of those people who complain that warlock dots should magically fall off you when the Warlock dies?
Lol… nobody says, “Yay, the class I’m playing got nerfed.” That’s just not a thing.
It’s impossible for everyone to be overpowered because overpowered is a relative concept. Sorry you were mislead.
People who enjoy proper gameplay balance are happy when something that is too strong gets fixed.
Mage healing from AE being nerfed was completely justified. I think healing from Living Flame is too strong and expect it to receive similar treatment. Yes, I got weaker, but the game is more fun when it isn’t too easy. A power fantasy can be fun for a little while, but eventually you get bored.
If you’re too over powered the entire game becomes the Death Knight starting zone where you fly around on a dragon killing 50 elites at once. It’s cool the first time you do it, and then you think “ok, am I done yet?”
I think you’re simply misunderstanding what I’m suggesting. Someone is saying that “hunter players are the whiniest players,” but hunters have been nerfed the most in SoD, so of course you’re going to see an over-representation of people who are playing hunters complaining about nerfs on the forums!
I’d be surprised if there is another class that is as powerful as hunters are while at the same time having 70% of their runes be in a completely dead state. Very obvious blizzard has no clue how to handle hunters
SW:D if they are 40 levels higher.
Lone wolf will never be meta because they will need to buff it to 100% damage.
Can we be at least be intellectually honest?
Hunter pets can solo people. We’re not talking like they can solo “bad” people, they can solo anyone they can get on. I’m not talking about just in wsg either due to the bug.
They can literally get on a 25 caster and kill them in seconds.
Sure that’s fun for you… Everyone else not so much.
No, they really cant. If you are getting soloed by a hunter pet you are either playing bad or poorly geared/speced for pvp.
Yeah…they really can. I’ve seen it. My balance druid survives about 4 to 5 seconds versus a winged serpent. This was in Redridge
Just the serpent…no hunter even visible (because he was hiding).
Why was he hiding?
Because his pet can solo people
(We had a mage go down in under 3 seconds)
Balance druid
ahahah imagine having all the tools to counter hunter 100% and not using them
4 to 5 seconds bro… With other people around.
Sleep doesn’t help and you can’t root in building.
Thanks for admitting you don’t understand the damn game.
170 breath 1.5s gcd, another breath 1.5s gcd then a 60 dmg swing every 2s. You have really low health.
Btw BM hunters are free kill for balance druids unless hibernate is resisted.
4-5 seconds would mean you got hit by 3 LB. Assuming all 3 crit thats about 800 damage. If only you could heal, or hibernate the pet, get out of range of it (it has 20y range on lb, you have 30+ on most of your damage abilities. And from there you can precast a starsire, then starsurge, reroot so its still stuck out of range, reestablish distance, and repeat.
Wow. You just killed the pet without it ever being able to hit you again outside of its opener and thats assuming it got the jump on you.
If the hunter is there just sleep the pet root the hunter get in deadzone and then starfire star surge, then moonfire and stay in deadzone as you laugh at hunter who can do nothing.
ahahahahhah oh no no no, this guy can’t be serious.
Or the pet gets dotted by other people. When iit’s not a straight 1 v 1 that tends to happen. Which the rather dumb paladin doesn’t seem to understand.
Whatever is happening the hunter can do it hiding on the roof.
So your allies let you die and didn’t help you kill the hunter?
If it isnt a 1v1 burst the pet.
You can do half the pets hp in about 4 seconds as a balance druid. If your allies are hitting it as well…it might be dead before you get your second cast off.