Devs Keep Nerfing Hunters and Ignore Every Other Class

i jsut watched a hunter control his pet with eyes of the beast and solo a lvl 25 shaman…


When I see 10 wind serpents set to “stay” on the DMF buff in mulgore I think to myself, “man I can’t BELIEVE they nerfed this fair and balanced class.”


LOLOLOL thanks for the comedy hour bro.

This is copy pasta gold

Right now I have good gear and hunter pets take me out quick…

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All I want is for wind serpents to not delete 60+ percent of my health pool in a matter of seconds. It still feels ridiculously, comically overpowered in PvP, even after these supposed “nerfs.” Almost every class just gets farmed by them. It’s literally to the point that if you’re in an open world PvP encounter and a decently geared hunter sees you, it’s already too late and there’s nothing you can realistically do to avoid an annoying death.

Making hunters themselves more powerful is fine, but this pet situation has to be reined in. That’s all there is to it. Having some goofy pet halve my character’s 1300 hp within just a few seconds, then getting kited until the next devastating round of lightning breaths just a few moments after that, is absolutely absurd. It needs to be nerfed into the ground.



  • Best class in World PvP -second to none.
  • One of the best classes in structured PvP
  • Third best DPS in raids, very close to the warriors and rogues

By my calculation hunter is FINE. Stop complaining and get serious.


Hunter pets are doing significantly more than they have any right to be doing. Literally soloing players using EotB, or doing 3rd DPS parses in BFD with their pet being 80% of that parse…

With that being said, hunter also plays extremely poorly right now because 85% of the power is in the pet. It is simply unfun to play a hunter in the current state of the game.

The pet should be doing half of what it currently is (or even less), but hunters need runes that buff them specifically (NOT the pet), or at least gives them interesting tools to play with that don’t simply turn them into an AFK Pokemon simulator.

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Huge agree.
Thank you for understanding.

How does it halve your 1300 hp with 2x 170 hits?

It’s ~50% in SoD PvE. 80% is retail, an actually much better balanced game. Pet dmg is actually not an issue, the shallow gameplay of classic is. But that’s what all of us agreed for.

Beast mastery pets should be a threat, that’s the whole point of the spec. And yes other playstyles should be buffed, that way you will encounter less BM hunters.

Again I don’t mind the WB nerf, 25 spellpower was too powerful.

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That’s funny, because they’re put dpsing Hunters.

Everything takes everything out quick, don’t get jaded just because the pet got the finishing blow.

Sniper training is even worse than most realize. Its bonus crit only effects abilities. So auto shot (the majority of hunter damage not coming from the pet) doesnt even benefit from it.


Honestly it’s a good ability as it is now but when they address the wind serpent in the room it’s going to severely impact the overall throughput of the class.

It’s no secret that hunters scale poorly with gear compared to any other class in the game, and as it is the new pet scaling partially fixes that issue.

We all know that Blizzard tends to balance with a hacksaw so when they do finally go after the pet problem they’re going to go hard and are often very shy to compensate for it.

Making serpent sting a viable gcd on it’s own would go a long way to help and when you factor in chimera shot’s 40% serpent string damage trigger it’s a potential remedy for a design flaw in hunter scaling that has existed since vanilla.

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When the beast mastery rune came out I don’t think the intention was to go from your average raptor or cat dealing 30% bonus dmg to having a pet that double casts LB from 20 yards and deals upwards of 500+ damage before casted CC lands.

I am skeptical of this concern because it always seems to be a comparison between hunters vs the top 10 best rogues and warriors in the world, which I think is a very poor way to balance. But if it is the case that hunter’s performance falls that far behind then I agree they would need a pick-me-up.

Off the top of my head I think to balance PVP and PVE those bonuses would need to be things like steady-shot that require a cast time. Hunters are the premier kiting class and advantages there in make it difficult to balance them without it going to the absurd, kind of like we see now where they have so much damage tied to the pet that they aren’t even kiting anymore. (#not all # depends on gear)

It’s a hard puzzle to solve because the danger of making them ridiculous in PVP, I think casted abilities or damage that has to ramp up over time could be 2 solutions. (2.5 steady shot, deep wounds effects, chimera stacking serpent muiltiple times)

It will be a shame if this turns out to be true, I don’t think the answer for a good beast mastery spec was to make it an A-move monster, though. IMO it should be the spec less about burst like marksman but more about utility and good uptime on damage.

I got nothin against making serpent sting better if the hunter has to actually be at his keyboard to press the button.

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You bring up many good points. The only issue is that Blizzard seems tone-deaf to constructive feedback and tends to only listen to complaints. A multitude of noobs flooded in and complained about dying to hunter pets, and now we find ourselves in this unfortunate situation where we have nothing positive or interesting going for us.

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You mean up to ~500 damage with 2 lucky crits. Once again with the hyperbolic statements.

Yes Hunters are good at kiting. But you need to stutter step for autos and multi. All Hunters instants are trash except concussive. Of course with decent pet scaling theres some extra damage they didn’t have before while kiting. Honestly I’d argue druids are now the premier kiting class.

My fresh 25 is critting close to 240, and it isn’t that rare to see 2 crits. You can’t lie to me when I have a 25 hunter now.

So far I have cast 3 LB while kiting a rogue and brought them to half hp with only 1 critting for 220~.

Y’all deserved it.

Starsurge needs to cost more mana, only other thing I can think of.

You said deals upwards of 500+ in 2 hits. (Suggesting that’s where it starts and it rises from there, when it’s actually closer to the max possible) Thats 2 crits. As scaling is actually fairly weak it doesnt go up much with more gear. The average LB will work out to be about 160 when averaged out while bis geared and fully buffed. About 40dps.

Probably even less now that the boon doesnt apply to pets.

You claim others aren’t debating in good faith when you bloat numbers and tell half truths.