Devs Keep Nerfing Hunters and Ignore Every Other Class

kidding me? dude I get 1 serpent pet on me for a second and im dropped below half hp without the hunter sending 1 arrow into me… hunters in the very beginning at 25 were doing as much dmg as a lvl 50… quit crying cause your class isn’t as OP as it was when your class STILL is OP… i wanna throw up reading this

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Where I come from people “upwards of” more casually, it isn’t a hard bar. But again I’m not sure why this is where you choose to focus. The pet is capable of dealing 500 damage in 2 strikes, possibly that has changed with the warranted world buff change.

Also if you read my statement I think it was pretty clear what I meant, still, you seem like to really like those low hanging fruit kind of victories in between personal attacks and ignoring direct questions.

This has to be some kind of Trojan Horse style fallacy. The thing is hitting too hard in pvp for the ease at which you can use and abuse it. Who needs scaling (which I don’t concede or have the exact number in front of me to test) when fresh at 25 the thing is effectively an instant cast fireball for 50 focus.

Nah that’s what I hit for now in greens, it does a lot of damage over the course of an encounter if you consider all the casts. Fireball on the tooltip is 140 at maximum, and has more variance than LB.

Fireball top end is 140/3 = 46.6 DPS, so yeah you have a pet that spams instant cast fireballs with no spell pushback. (NB4 you say it isn’t spam because it isn’t literally global to global)

Considering you are getting numbers wrong and it isn’t a matter of language but actually misquoting numbers, I wouldn’t point a finger. I’m getting tired of the personal attacks, I can just keep posting actual screen shots, and stating my argument while you continue to berate people personally and we will see who changes more minds.

In the short term it sucks in the long term I hope it means Hunters can be balanced. You might not like to hear this but with the current power level of pet you cannot have hunter do any meaningful DPS.

You can’t really ask for buffs when your pet can literally beat half the classes in this game in a duel.


beat in a duel…

please, this is a pve game. Duels are a joke they arent even considered fair in any terms. Anyone with enough skill can beat anyone in a “duel”. It depends how well you know your opponets abilities and your own. Sure some classes will have a bigger rock over some other classes smaller sisscors, but even the smallest sisscors can cut paper

I’ve based this average off of Warcraft logs using a top 10 Hunter parse. So that is actually the upper end for the average. It normally hits for about 115-130 then has about 10% crit chance or so. Averaged out it is only about 160, based off of a top 10 Hunter parse.

Words matter and your choice of words shows your bais and attempt to confuscate the facts.

It’s not a personal attack to call out when someone is using falsehoods to advocate for nerfs to another class.

Nice attempt to derail though.

On average a pet with bis gear and fully buffed does between 50-60dps with full up time. If you have 1200hp that’s 20second it would take of facetanking a pets damage without doing anything for a WS to kill you.

I hope they continue to nerf hunters.

Pressing Flanking Strike with an autoshot timer on screen is not some bastion of talent.

Hunters, specifically BM hunter pets, are doing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much damage for having “I macro’d pet attack into my multi shot button xD” as the skill floor.

Hunters should be last place DPS - regardless of spec - or at least in contention for bottom 3. You can’t be the easiest laughing stock to play and simultaneously be the strongest because a pet auto-casts Bite for you every 10 seconds.

The same exact 3-4 hunters go thread to thread fanatically crying about how unfair/unjust the nerfs are, yet are never in favor of the class becoming fundamentally harder to play. Always the same “OH YEAH AND WARRIORS SO HARD HUH” as a response, never self-acknowledging how absolutely insane hunter pets are.

The “Goonunits” of the game crutching that AI spec bring-a-buddy hunter pet for insanely high DPS with little/no involvement have got to understand that so long as your class is explicitly driven by non-human means, and auto shot… you can’t be strong. You need to have an actual set up, requirement, and sustain beyond “pressed pet attack, watched netflix for 2mins, dps only went down by 5”.

Sorry. :person_shrugging: - You want more, you need to put more in.


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Lol, interesting take. Too bad this is classic and everything is braindead in pve. I’ve never said I’m happy the meta is BM, unfortunately no other spec is viable. I’d gladly take lonewolf if it was a viable option.

We’ll see how SoD pans out. But in Era Hunters melee weaving was the hardest PvE dps rotation to pull off correctly, and that only gave small gains over turreting. Warriors and Rogues still blew Hunters out of the water while requiring no skill other than avoiding getting dispelled on the way to the raid.

So basically your logic is flawed.

Oh also those parroting threads calling for more Hunter nerfs are also largly carried out by the same handful of salty scrubs over and over.

I’m not the one starting these sooky threads.

Warrior and Rogue is the pinnacle of dps complexity I guess. /s

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You’re not entitled to be able to kill the pet and the hunter. For that to happen hunters would be so weak that they lose every engagement and wouldn’t even function in pve anymore.

This is factually untrue. I kill hunters on my druid fairly easy. So obviously what you’re saying isn’t true. I have seen locks kill them as well. Its weird if you cc the pet you win.

I get that you can’t all cc the pet so you lose but that is literally how classic works.

Did you roll an orc? That racial is OP, I’m doing 180 with nearly full BFD bis dwarf. An orc will probably cap at 190.
The scaling from RAP isn’t that massive but wind serp are blessed by the coincidental availability of rank 3 breath, and the fun is only for this phase.

yeah every hunter video says otherwise, my friend and my experience says otherwise. If you take a pet and wash it out in a boss battle that is 1:20 long it doesn’t look as bad, but the pet front loads a lot of damage, the first 4 or 5 LB are very fast

It’s so ironic and wild to hear people say this about hunters when their pets are doing that or getting close to doing that, which is absurd.

My hunter is a troll, if I thought it was only doing 5% more damage that it should I would probably suck it up. I just watched greatwizard running AV and the serpents at 60 were hitting for 1/3 of what they do at 25 now. (obviously I see it isn’t a perfect example)

All I am saying is hunters are a circus and people defending it look more and more ridiculous every day.

Land at zoram and there are no “overpowered top 100 dps” camping the flight path, there are serpents who kite and tank lvl 40 guards while the hunter itself is completely safe.

There are many match ups that can go either way even after 1 side gets the advantage on the other depending on the circumstances, but not so much with an AI pet that has no clever game mechanics and just acts as a spell pushback and huge dot damage.

Outside of these toxic forums with bad tone police like Goonunit I see hunters admitting all the time how stupid and cheesy the noodle tazer is.

I have seen streamers and regular every day players both express how they feel like hunters ruin this game because of how stupid this is.

Also you don’t always land your CC when the target has 30 to all spell resistance, and if you don’t you can lose 60%+ hp, if the hunter is bad they send the pet in from outside of their own threat range where 2-4 autos, a multi, and an arcane shot are not landing for spell pushback.

@Graou you asked me about that big LB crit and I couldn’t find the thread, but the serpent was a white one, not a red one. the 317 + 324 crit.

This was after the boon removal from pets right?
The white ones are cloud serpents from the thousand needles, they used to have caster stats in vanilla (reduced strength, stam, armor but increased intelligence). I know it was almost completely fixed in classic and its autoattack is only like 1 dps lower than regular pets. I wonder if there is a link.

I think it was pre-boon nerf so it may have had the buff, no way to know for sure.

Yeha ok not worth investigating then until I hear about other >190 hits.

but still the most populated class in every server

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This goes the same for all energy users.

I’m pulling numbers straight from wcl off top 10 hunters. Go look for yourself. Who cares about “friends” hearsay. I’m quoting real numbers.

Hunters are the only pure dps class, dps is literally all they can do. They should be the best at it, maybe not by a landslide but should be topping every dang chart. They got nothing new for sod after the nerfs so good dps is it.

You have PVP logs? Lmao? I have said dozens of times I do not care about PVE. Stop trolling.

That isn’t how that works, and also they are tanks or offtanks, they have utility outside of “pure dps”.

If you can say with a straight face that mages are healers and rogues are tanks you aren’t getting away with saying hunters are pure dps and deserve to be the best at it, for whatever made up reason.

Clutching at straws I see. How does damage output differ from pve to pvp? If anything it would be more bias toward your argument as its 100% uptime top skilled and geared players with raid buffs.