Devs Keep Nerfing Hunters and Ignore Every Other Class

This is the exact perspective that makes it so hard to understand whats happening.

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Because they’re not overpowered.

It’s not off-topic. They’re not OP so they’re not catching nerfs. Hunters have been OP and arguably still sit on the side of too strong but they’re slowly getting to a point where they’re tolerable enough we can deal with them being more powerful than they ought to be until the next phase rolls out.

Like… you are not the decider here dude. You don’t decide how strong the classes are. You don’t get to say “I don’t think Hunters are OP so Hunters won’t get nerfed” - clearly that isn’t you because Hunters are getting nerfed in spite of your bad take.

Hunters are still overpowered, even after the nerfs, with wind serpents especially. Please continue to nerf them until they are no longer super saiyan… thanks…


Warrs and Rogues are doing MC DPS? at level 25? what the hell are you talking about?
Being disingenuous just makes you look stupid.
You’d have to be really failing at understanding SoD when you look at warr and rogue logs and say “this is fine”


Question is, once you close in on a hunter can they be beat? if the answer is yes, then I don’t see a problem.

If you decide to 1v1 someone in WSG, you’re wrong anyway.

Im not saying warriors or rogues shouldnt be stronger than hunters though.

All i said to the OP Thread who said Hunters do the highiest Dps in the game i said that is false.

To you, they are still #3 in PvE which is EXCELLENT. Top 30%. You should NEVER complain you arent as good as #1, a class which is essentially useless in the world and in pvp.

Ran into multiple 4/5 Hunter premades this morning…

Hunters are still near top parsers and in PvP y’all are the most desirable DPS while having the lowest skill floor.

The amount of crying hunters doing is insane when there are other classes actually struggling just to be relevant.


cry harder hunters

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–sings to the tune of Ride of the Valkyries by Richard Wagner-- NERF THE HUNTARDS NERF THE HUNTARDS!!!.. but seriously… on a more somber note,… nerf the hunters … … ok better now…

Nerf priests instead. One penance to reach full hp is messed up

I concur. The only other relevant healer is druid and they still don’t compete even with fairly broken healing runes.

All SoD has come down to is who has the most broken runes that scale far too hard and destroy any viability your class has.

The fact penance hasn’t been adjusted at all is just laughable.

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Warriors literally begging for anything on PvP and the devs locked the only meaningful rune behind the grizzby quest while hunters just do what they do best without even needing runes lol

Why instead?

Nerf hunters and priests.

Nerf warriors and rogues immediately! They are not suppose to be scaling this hard in early game. They will be far and away the best dps come phase 2. Hunter treatment!


Again, this isn’t about buffing hunter pets or anything, i could care less about them, just give hunters more agency in gameplay when it comes to themselves, more roles like hunter tank, actually making melee hunter viable or more ranged stuff to play with.

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I’d love to see beastmaster as the melee hunter and you have runes to interact with your pet.

People would like it more as you don’t get the random wind serpent that is a raid boss and is afk on you.

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If you actually read anything said, you might actually understand(Though I doubt it)
that not everyone bases their class performance off of PvP standards.
And maybe if you would open your eyes and take in the facts you’d see that since SoD launched the hunter class has been gutted, morphed, twisted and nerfed more than EVERY OTHER CLASS COMBINED.
All while the principle of the game is to give classes fun new ways to play and discover new fun.
Instead what is discovered is that you are to be an auto-shot turret while your pet does everything, and then even that gets taken away by this change, and because people like you who say things like “Gut them by another 30%” are butt-hurt about PvP standings?
I think -you- might want to take your own advice and take a step back.
My points are valid, and stand on the evidence provided by the facts.
If Blizzard hates the class so much, simply remove it instead of forcing those of us who love the class being forced to deal with all the heavy handed nerfs and being forced into play styles we didn’t want.
I am sorry that you are such a negative and hateful person that you feel the need to lash out as such though, I hope you find peace one day.


While true, the least they could do is fix some of their runes.

Look at Hunter leg runes. Literally every option is garbage.

Explosive Shot / Chimera Shot are so bad, most MM Hunters run Beast Mastery rune on gloves anyway simply because it’s more DPS and doesn’t leave them starved for mana.

They’re basically vanilla Hunters with zero new flare, and they keep nerfing them. It’s pretty pathetic.


Thank you for saying this, some people dont realise just how frustrating it is.
Also @Impious, thank you as well, its nice to see support from people in here