Yeah but they REALLY do not like hunters
Im definitely not the one “baby raging” as you post a paragraph crying and saying you got “nerfed into the ground” which is still remarkably hilarious.
Still the post powerful pvp class by a mile, premades will still want 3-4 hunters. Just stop it already
It’s PvP. All the sweaty PvP players go to the forums to whine about how unfair it is to be killed by another class. It’s hunters right now but in phase 2 you are going to see soo many posts asking to nuke warriors.
I’m tired of PvP determining how our classes play and the primary driver of all these nukes.
The main point I’m trying to convey, guys, is that they are nerfing our only option without providing any alternative. Right now, BM is the only choice we have, and it’s progressively deteriorating. Sooner or later, we might find ourselves stuck with the same, worthless era playstyle of aimed shot and trueshot aura.
SoD is meant to be fun. How could it be when every single hunter rune is nerfed into uselessness?
And despite all these nerfs hunter is still wildly over performing in pvp.
They are not, they are no longer too dos, any clown who has any idea of pvp just cc pet and get in dead zone. I play a hunter and a rogue, rogue is 1000x easier to gank… especially against hunters.
If you admit balance is crap and will stay crap move the WSG exalted rewards to honored. That will fix most of the WSG problems.
If the pet is supposed to solo players while the hunter is AFK and this is fine because it can be CC’d then why the HELL do you have all those other buttons on your bars?
You will have scattershot into feign death +trap next phase, why would you need or even deserve those things if your pet is so powerful. It’s almost like the part is a part of your class and not your entire class, like maybe the changes were wildly overturned and people defending them are trying to defend the easymode that is hunter.
Mhm that’s all nice and fine in a perfect 1v1.
But the moment u have 2 wind serpents on you its game over.
I’ve got a 25 hunter and a 25 rogue.
The rogues I kill seem to not know how to play, because a rogue should wreck a hunter.
Gouge the pet, wreck the hunter, when gouge ends, evasion. If they opened, vanish > shadowstrike > GG. If you opened it’s GG to begin with.
My hunter is only 22 but chimera consistently does autoshot damage because it ignores armor, factor in the poison proc and refresh rate and it is hitting not too dissimilar from my aimed shot.
How is this a bad ability? If anything make it dirty cheap on mana so it can be spammed in pve and pvp.
I think hunters needed more horizontal buffs and fewer vertical ones, there is only so much damage you can give to a class that almost purely instant casts their abilities from 41 yards away.
I just want more interesting things to play with; I don’t care about pets. Make them the same power level as era and provide us with other options. Make melee actually good and a viable counterpart to ranged. Give a aspect of the monkey dodge tanking rune with Mongoose Bite. Introduce more ranged options to play with.
Pets are so unbelievably boring, bro.
There’s so many avenues you could go with hunter and devs just don’t care and frontload all our power into our pets.
and yet…the serpaent is still overpowered in pvp
These are all true.
Moment you have two rogues on you it’s gg
Rogues and warriors do more damage than hunter in PVE.
I agree BM is strong but every complaint thread is about nerfing BM when Priest is the strongest pvp class in the game and rogues should be able to 1v1 any class.
I’m a warrior don’t mind me doing MC levels of DPS at 25.
Look at that serpent, yes nerf hunters!
I play a Priest (well geared and WSG exalted so not just a casual alt). I would be happy to see Priest brought down a peg this phase only.
Don’t make things up just to suit your argument.
Filter out all the parses with Wild Strikes and I wonder how true that still is.
Hunters are nuts because out of the box they were beating and now still competitive with a class that is a gear and buff scaler and needs wild strikes to compete. You have to build the raid around warriors. Hunters can just slide into any raid comp and do well with no assembly required.
yea having super windfury totem at 25 is obviously going to favor classes that can use it. It was a mistake especially with bonus attack % on it.
If it ain’t broken don’t fix it. lol I play 5 classes in sod and not gonna lie hunter is best in pvp no one care about imbalanced in pve cuz pve is for gear n newbs. PvP is the only thing that matters in wow. Again other patch nerf that didn’t effect me I still own all my wsg match’s. Does it suck getting nerfed yes but am I still godly with Hunter yes. Is it still better than war yes. Even tho war does 400 dps in pve but can’t even look at me in PvP.