Devs Keep Nerfing Hunters and Ignore Every Other Class

None of that works if you can’t get away from the pet. Indoors you can’t root. Sleep isn’t reliable in a group situation where you can’t tell people to leave it alone.

Pet just chews through people. Hunter doesn’t have to be visible.

Wasn’t a coordinated group and hunter was not visible. You can sit in certain places and still target people, but not be visible. Think those fort buildings that have the ledge at the very top.

The mental gymnastics these hunters are going through to try and deny their dominance in pvp right now is truly incredible.

Walls of text to try and dismiss what their pets alone are capable of, not even factoring the hunter themselves.

And when they can’t justifiably explain away the current situation they just all default to the tried and true " but my crystal ball tells me we will be trash next phase"

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If you have a group of people that pet should be dead in 4 seconds or less.

Feels like the meme of Charlie explaining a conspiracy theory.

“So what you need to do is sleep the pet before it gets to you, then root the hunter, then get close to the hunter so you’re in the dead zone, then kill the hunter before either cc wears off.”

Meanwhile - hunter just mashes buttons.


I don’t get this. My Hunter is 21 right now (not 25, I know) and his Chimera Shot is hitting for 59 + 32 (note: 1.7 speed bow so very bad example on my end probably) AND refreshing Serpent Sting. Why is this bad?

Serious question. It also does Nature Damage which means it won’t get reduced heavy like Aimed Shot.

you mean we toggle auto shot on and when its dead, toggle it on again for another target?


I can guarantee you I have played more SoD that you have and have 2 toons at 25 and a 3rd mid teens.

I have no problem with dots killing me after a lock dies… if anything I feel, gg well-fought.

And to be honest, I understand that game balance at this stage and with future patches/stages ahead is VERY hard to balance and is not easy.

I take issue with the obvious kings of the meta COMPLAINING about nerfs. You at this point should be suggesting reforms to design and also thinking about where you belong.

You currently provide the most important buff to raids and parties, have pets that with high armor and resists can solo players(weak players). Can solo elite mobs higher level that you(most classes cant do this!) Hunters are the preferred dps class for pvp premaids and are stacked in groups with pvp goals in mind…


Priests are broken, mages were also bonkers… Yet not many people are complaining about them…

But here you are COMPLAINING about minor nerfs to your class??? Seriously you need to think beyond your class and consider GOOD GAME DESIGN…

Give ur head a shake… Whiney hunters suck!

Gold medal to the Hunter community for being oblivious to good game design.

And you sir, are the Super PAC salesman selling it all.


Well, I hope that next phase we can see rogues with stunlock nerfed into the dirt because an army of pvp bads posts relentless hyperbole on the forums.

“I got globaled in 2 seconds by saber slash while i was stunned and all I got is this lousy tshirt.”


SOD devs are quickly realizing it’s impossible to balance classic hunters in PvE and PvP

you have to make your choice, you either make them competitive in PvE which makes them way too strong in PvP or you make them do absolute dogwater DPS in PvE so they’re managable in PvP

Original devs could never figure out how to balance hunters, these guys wont either

if you play hunter expect to get repeatedly nerfed for the entirety of SOD

you lost me.

Rogues have taken that over, nerf rogues now.

They have not been minor, hunters were always think kings, followed by rogues. Rogues are already the meta at this point in pvp and pve. Hunters don’t scale for crap, ready of the classes scale exceptionally well… have a clue before you comment.

It seems like many of the above posters do not understand why hunters are upset. Lets break it down. Due to nerfs on the runes Explosive Shot and Chimera Shot all of the runes worth using on the hunter are pet based. Meaning - hunter dps is tied directly to the pet.

Blizzard designed this yet they keep nerfing the pet damage while providing no buff to hunter damage to compensate.

Most of the other class runes provide either - a new role available, an ability to smooth out the rotation, quality of life changes to strengthen the class role. Hunters meanwhile have not received a thing, its the same braindead gameplay that was available in Era.

What hunters want is a fun and engaging style of gameplay, not this Era copy paste disaster.


do nothing. gut the class harder.

This video pretty much sums up why hunters needed another nerf:

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So a meme video that shows world pvp of a hunter using EotB on a bunch of pve heroes should be the basis for buffs or nerfs?

Have you seen the world pvp video of shamans or balance druids nuking people?


No one can deny that hunters are the favorite whipping boy of Blizzard.
All of classic proves it, and this sorry excuse for “tuning” proves it farther.
If you deny it, you are blind and stupid.
Blizzard says it doesn’t want outliers, but yet does nothing but open the road for the pure melee classes to thrive and be the top dog outlier of DPS.
But Hunters dare to push ahead and get slapped down with nerf, after nerf, after nerf.
I don’t see Blizzard nerfing the warrior class when they pull 300DPS in BFD…
I don’t see the Rogues getting their wings clipped when they fly in the face of God with their DPS.
But Hunters dare to try and push ahead, and are faced with unending nerfs to their “New abilities” and now nerfed in the ability to benefit from buffs.
Just come right out and say it Blizzard, because EVERY SINGLE ACTION you have done proves it, you hate the Hunter class.
Just remove it from the game at this point, we can’t even have fun playing it really- because just as we learn to have fun or be able to play it where we can have some fun AND be a benefit to a group or raid- You come along and nerf it some more.
Just remove the class, and be done with it.
Your actions prove that’s what you’d like to do, so just do it and stop jerking us around.


When pets stop being more effective than players all on their own then they’ll be in a good place. We’ll get there I’m sure.


The nerfs to hunters were warranted, although a bit heavy handed. My complaint with Blizz’s approach to the hunter class is that its the only class that feels the same in SoD as it did in Classic. Its not like hunters are top dps even though they are the only pure dps class in SoD. Blizz needs to offer players new ways to play the class.