Devs Keep Nerfing Hunters and Ignore Every Other Class

baron aquanis is immune to bleeds and 58 of the top 100 parses on him are by warriors, deep wounds is not why the class is #1. Deep wounds isn’t a bug either it seems.


the bug is very clear: the bleed is stacking on itself, overlapping, instead of refreshing the debuff. Are you saying this is intentional?


yes, that’s how the wotlk version of deep wounds works, just their implementation of the way they want deep wounds to behave gets broken by a guy stabbing a mob with a 1.2 speed dagger. The only boss that it seems to be the top dps on is the turtle

you mean the boss that’s supposed to be the caster pump? :clown_face:

|0:20.806|Dombiw Melee Ghamoo-ra 5 Glancing|
|00:22.279|Dombiw Hamstring Ghamoo-ra 1|
|00:22.458|Dombiw Melee Ghamoo-ra 22|
|00:22.503|Dombiw Melee Ghamoo-ra 5 Glancing|
|00:22.941|Dombiw Shadow Bolt Ghamoo-ra 16|
|00:23.709|Dombiw Melee Ghamoo-ra 11|
|00:24.905|Dombiw Melee Ghamoo-ra 4 Glancing|
|00:25.157|Dombiw Melee Ghamoo-ra Miss|
|00:26.126|Dombiw Melee Ghamoo-ra Miss|
|00:26.737|Dombiw Deep Wound Ghamoo-ra 45|
|00:27.817|Dombiw Melee Ghamoo-ra 5|
|00:27.859|Dombiw Melee Ghamoo-ra 26|
|00:29.032|Dombiw Melee Ghamoo-ra 4 Glancing|
|00:29.746|Dombiw Deep Wound Ghamoo-ra 46|
|00:32.741|Dombiw Deep Wound Ghamoo-ra 218|

insane dps, deep wounds must be stopped

I seriously don’t understand why you posted this. Is it supposed to be sarcastic?

just whip a calculator and add these together.

Total dmg: 414
deep wounds dmg: 309. That’s 75% of the dmg.
That is unironically insane.


414 damage over 12 seconds


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then maybe balance dual wield dmg so 75% of its dps is not just 1 passive bleed dot ability.

I don’t understand how people enjoy classes with 1 ability, (pennance, pre-nerf explo shot), and having that 1 ability also be a passive dot that you just gotta auto attack to apply is the same argument as “pet needs no skill”.

Spamming hamstring to apply deep wounds can be considered “an exploit” or “clever use of game mechanics”, the difference is the class. If hunters do something similar = exploit. If warrior = you know the deal.

To be frank I wouldn’t be here arguing if there wasn’t a seventh hunter nerf this morning. How many nerfs did other classes get, anyone counting? Is there going to be similar warrior nerfs at 60? Can we get a blue post explaining wtf is going on in detail instead of people waking up wondering if hunters got nerfed while they were sleeping?


Balance changes at lvl 25 is cringe to start with, they will have to do more work and undo everything come lvl 40 lol.

Making more work for themselves by giving into reddit+forum balance whiners, lvl 25 meta won’t even last long, cringe how min/max people are and demand balance lol


They changed boon of the blackfathom to not double dip. That’s a level 25 buff. No reworks needed - this targets balance this phase only for the most part.

Aside from the most obvious spell that needs a nerf in the game what else needs nerfing exactly?

Bets on hunters getting more nerfs at 40

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Are comically overpowered. This change should apply to player buffs, trinkets and scrolls as well. The pet double dips here too.

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Do you not play your own game.

Hunters sitting AFK with pets on aggressive is more honor per hour than pugging wsg.

Hunters are STILL incredibly broken idc what WCL says. Bfd damage isn’t everything… pvp damage is far more the issue

Their pve damage is plenty fine… it’s the pvp that’s a major issue.


You must be alliance because horde have been spamming hamstring long before sod.

It’s called windfury, its what you do. Spam hamstring.

all the best parses almost across the board are strike of the hydra with deep wounds being 3rd or so on damage sources. enrage + windfury and one of two epics is obviously gonna put them ahead by a huge margin.

people are losing their mind on a gimmick to use against a boss with abnormally high armor. its the highest damage because bleeds ignore armor.

The sad part is come lvl 40 when era hunter is no longer the top class, we wont see any rebuffs to help us when we fall off the scaling cliff and go from performing well damage wise to being at the bottom or dead last. Blizzard has a history of overnerfing hunters and then leaving them in a bad spot.


100% accurate. Hunters start to fall off next phase, and will only get worse as time passes. Blizzard won’t buff them until no one plays the class anymore.


Your assuming they will buff them at all. Lol.


My hope would actually be that they BUFF lone wolf so it is in a spot where it is usable!