Devs Keep Nerfing Hunters and Ignore Every Other Class

Honestly starting the think you’ve been dropped on your head or something.

Trolls gonna troll I guess.

No retort? Must have run out of bull crap to spew.

vanilla.warcraftlogs. com/reports/wWzjtGFPp41MJLBQ#fight=15&type=damage-done&source=6&ability=-883)

vanilla.warcraftlogs .com/reports/VcFwBgLn4NYZrQkR#fight=25&type=damage-done&source=1&ability=-883)

I agree come join me as a Rogue or Roll Ret Pally and deal free-elo spin 2 win damage

if you do not know how to CC a pet… i dunno … i play both rogue and hunter. Far easier to gank a hunter with a rogue.

All classes are doing significantly more, so a rogue opens for 50-75% of you HP is fine? its only because other classes do not have their tool kits. Gearing out my rogue now just because the stun lock meta is coming next phase.

agree 100%

devs hate hunters

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I agree hunters need a nerf and so do priests but the act you are putting on sure pushes the conversation forward. oh wait it doesnt

:))))) so much fun to play a class i love, just nerf after nerf and warrs/rogues get to keep going :))))))))))))

fact he plays rogue and doesnt know wild strikes is the most requested buff in the game.

Would you prefer me to post on my druid or mage?

Stop it… Hunters are now known as the whiniest and most delusional class in the game? Why do so many people that have ZERO idea about good game balance play hunters?
Give ur head a shake and think beyond your class.

We’ve received 9 nerfs to our core DPS runes without any compensation buff or support for the other aspects of our DPS. It’s not about whining; it’s about Blizzard’s failure to understand fundamental game design when it comes to PvP-focused nerfs and PvE-focused nerfs.

“i love to play this class but if a warrior is better than me for 15 mins every 3 days, that’s unacceptable”

:thinking: are u sure u dont just love being a high powered class

Don’t misunderstand, I’m following what Blizzard has said. SoD is supposed to be a game where everyone is overpowered; they even mentioned this multiple times at Blizzcon. Now they’re going back on their word by repeatedly attempting to balance things.

I mean same with any class, I play rogue as well. I am well aware of rogues. The fact that you think 2 rogues is required just tells me you are a bad rogue lol.

i dont see why this is confusing for you

your pets can solo every class in the game.

you can sit afk, with your pet on aggro, and you pet will kill me before I can kill you.

I’ve never asked for any class to get nerfed before, but this is beyond broken.

i dont mind buffing hunters, but nerf those pets into the ground. a hunters pet should not be doing more damage, and have more health than the hunter.