Devil's Advocate - 8.2 Is Good

Cool Story bro.

Only you don’t actually see everything, clearly. But A+ for snoopin’

I’m still doing content, I’ll get what I’m looking for eventually. Such is RNG.

And that exact mechanic bumped you up to 375!

You obviously want a 400ilvl weapon. Do you think if you did content that rewards 400 ilvl gear you’d get one? Your current experience seems to indicate that you’d get a 405!

I am enjoying the patch. This doesn’t mean it is perfect or that I am happy with things that are still broken in the game. However, I am enjoying both new zones and will get flying in a few days for my alts.

Eh, no real point to.

People in Mythic+ Are nearly as toxic as PvPers, it’s the end of the season, and the next stuff is coming out soon enough.

Then I’ll just do some regular mythics and eventually get the 415 staff. or one hand.

Tis no big deal.

Funny thing about video, games, their not suppose to be part time jobs. I simply pointed out getting a 400 item level weapon would have been nice for the intro event.

I didn’t demand one. I said it’d be nice.

Ya’ll are just being elitist at this point, and jumping to conclusions.

Not really. Most of my characters have 395/400 weapons. The couple that haven’t I don’t play much and they have better than 375/350.

Those weapons were obtained from World Bosses, Warfronts, World Quests and Emissary rewards. I’ve never done a raid or dungeon in BfA.

Well ya got better luck than I did, grats to ya.

I’ve got another character that got lucky with a weapon, but when it comes to hunters long as it’s not a melee weapon your basically golden.

I have had multiple weapons that I’ve scrapped too, so I find it hard to believe it’s luck. When you have an Emissary that rewards a 395 weapon, there’s no luck involved.

There is luck involved when you get enchancement weapons instead of Restoration weapons.

But I mean, as a demon hunter I guess you don’t know that feeling.

Glaives a glaive for a DH

That’s not how it works. The DH might be getting AP or War Resources from that quest. A WQ gives a certain weapon, say an Agi Mace, to everyone who can wield it and something else, say gold, to everyone else.

You’re not seeing fewer Resto weapons than he’s seeing Glaives.

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We were talking about Caches. Caches drop loot based on what you can equip, not based on specialization.

World quests with weapons I hit all the time too though.

I play many classes. The reward is for your spec, which I change if I can when I’ve already obtained the level weapon on offer. My Ret pally has a Prot single hand and a shield. I also play a variety of casters where you can get either a staff, main hand or off hand weapon.

It most certainly is not geared towards whatever specc your on, you clearly were not on the forums when people were raging about getting weapon caches and it not being specc appropriate.

Edit: Apparently they recently changed it, haven’t gotten a weapon cache to confirm it yet personally. We’ll see.

I misread. Your cache is based on your spec. That’s a change they made a few months ago because it was annoying for people like you, as you say.

Neat, Glad they changed that if they did. I haven’t gotten a weapon cache to confirm.

(for reference, just so you know I’m not making it up)


Hopefully one of those rolls around eventually assumin’ Its before the next teir drops and I just go do operation mechagon for my weapon upgrade.

8.2 actually really sucks, worst patch ever. I would much prefer to go play WoD again, that expansion was the best thing Blizzard has ever created, they should really just scrap the whole classic thing and open up WoD servers.