Devil's Advocate - 8.2 Is Good

as a lurker on these forums i’ve recently seen too many posts complaining about pathfinder and generally just providing negative feedback towards the newly added zones. well, im tired of it so i want to provide some positive feedback on why i think 8.2 is good. i also feel the dev team deserve some praise for these improvements.

1.) new zones improved on providing lots of incentives to explore. the chests and rare mobs more often then not feel rewarding and do a good job of getting the community to cooperate in finding those rare spawns.

2.) benthic gear provides a refreshing take on upgrading gear for those of us who are not avid raiders. i get this is an mmo but i just don’t have the means of finding a consistent, reliable group of 15-20 for serious raiding.

3.) the mobs hurt and this makes the area feel dangerous and immersive. both zones keep me on my toes and occasionally require me to use my cool downs in order to survive. because of that 8.2 reminds me of Burning Crusade era.

i just want to add lastly that i don’t think the entirety of WoW is in a good place right now. just that i think 8.2 is doing a lot of things right. i have some major gripes with this game but they go beyond the scope of a single patch.


You’re not playing the devil’s advocate. You’re just speaking your opinion which is also widely agreed on. The forums complain, yes, but the complaints toward this patch seem far more meaningless than ever.

Point is, your opinion is not the wrong one.


I actually really agree with this. 8.2, to me, has been immensely fun and entertaining. I’ve spent 5+ hours a day since launch (longer on my days off) just playing the new patch because there’s a lot of things that interest me. It’s also been nice spending all this time with my friends. The complaints all seem to be unfounded or rehashed from 8.1 complaints.

Class design won’t change in an expansion

Pathfinder isn’t going away

You don’t need a free 415 ilvl weapon

War Mode is unbalanced, has been for a long time, and probably won’t change because it’s still a player problem as much as a Blizzard one

I’d say 8.2 is a good patch compared to, say, Tanaan Jungle and definitely better than Broken Shore. Still doesn’t beat Isle of Thunder, but then 5.2 was just a really really good patch anyway.

With flight unlocked, my motivation to play WoW has never been higher, and I plan on taking advantage of my new three dimensional freedom.

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I personally am loving the patch, not overly fond of grinding rep but what ever it’s a MMO. Between rep, essences and getting ready for the next raid on Tuesday I never felt so busy

I love it

I don’t consider this being a Devils Advocate.

I consider this being a rational take, without the “ZOMG PATHFINDER AALSDJNASD” insanity being tossed into the mix.

The only people that hate 8.2 are people who cannot stand having to earn anything and need instant gratification.


Yeah, but at least a 400 weapon would have been nice…

I’m literally still stuck with 375/370 weapons because of bad RNG. :frowning:

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No you aren’t. Do some end game content, there are lots of weapon drops.

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No, there really isn’t.

Weapons are awful to get.

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I’m not going to log in the game and count them for you but there are numerous ones that you can use from rated pvp, raiding, and keys.

Okay, your assuming they drop. Good on you, your an optimist.

That’s rare these days.


Hahaha… no.

PvP is garbage.

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I dont agree that 8.2 should give us free ilevel 415 weapon. You have to earn it.

Look what happened to mine. I had ilevel 395 range weapon before 8.2. I kept on farming all Mythic + and Heroic BoD for range weapons while I played 8.2. I got 3x ilevel 415 Benthic Armor that upgraded my gear to ilevel 412. I did 2x Mythic +11 and 2x Mythic +10 and Heroic Conclave and finally, I got a range weapon upgrade… ilevel 405.

My ilevel keeps on getting higher slowly and it means I could beat harder Mythic+. And I could carry people now on Heroic BoD so I could kill Jaina very soon.

8.2 to me is a good patch. It threw me a lot of stuffs to do. I have to work for my essences, continue upgrading my Mechagon trinket/ring, continue upgrading my Benthic Armor… I have 4x ilevel 415 Benthics. I am working on upgrading to ilevel 420 Benthic Shoulders.

About the mounts, I would fly soon… very soon… need a quarter of rep to reach revered. I have a Mechanocat mount and now using a Seahorse mount as my land mount in Nazjatar. I just realized I should now work on the Murloc’s Seahorse mount coz I know now how to make it usable on land.

Lots of stuff that I am discovering. I am really having fun.

So basically you’d rather sit around and complain that nothing ‘drops’ when you haven’t even tried. Sounds about typical.

You don’t know anything about me, and simply just making assumptions. It is okay though, just keep making assumptions Mr 110, your eventually possibly, maybe have a chance of getting something right.

Possibly around the same chance of a weapon droppin’

I’d give it a solid 7/10 its by far not the worst and has some content I’ve been really enjoying. Losing points because I will always dislike pathfinder and because I generally don’t like the themes of the zones but otherwise a high point for BFA.

I’ve been stuck with the same 370/375 weapons for months on this character.

I’m not asking for a 415, but something along the lines of the Benthic gear would be nice. :frowning:

8.2 is lazy . Mecha is ok, But Naz is a just the worst. Poorly designed terrain , and the story is terrible. Both zones are just bland , but Mecha is a bit of fun with the back back.

Already i see fewer and fewer people in the new zones , and of my friends who came back for 8.2, all have unsubbed again because it was not fun. Pathfinder part 2 is just nott worth it because once you get flying, then what? There is nothing to do out in the world. We get the new Dungeon and raid but that wont hold anyone over for very long. Professions are still garbage . That leaves mount farming .

Now we know why there was another 6 month sub, because there wont be any more content for another 6 months. 8.2 was the saving grace for BFA , it failed. BFA has failed… The devs and blizzard have failed.

It’s not an assumption. I know for a fact that weapons drop this expansion but you can’t get one if you refuse to try.

in what universe are you living and can i come stay there?

it sounds lovely

They have a -chance- of dropping this expansion.

That’s the key word there friend, “Chance”

Drop rates are garbo.

Yeah, things have had a -chance- at dropping since Vanilla, that’s how it works in this game. lol