Devil's Advocate - 8.2 Is Good

Yep, and I’ve -always- had bad luck when it comes to getting drops I need.

I have garbo RNG, I’m over it, I’m used to it.

Even if I -do- get a weapon drop from something, usually it’s for something stupid like enchancement specc, or it’s lower than what I currently have.

Bad RNG is bad RNG

I have done nothing toward Pathfinding, nor do I intend to, and oh em gee, it has no ill effect on how I perceive things.

Don’t suck at navigating maps and Naz won’t suck for some, unless they need everything to be suck for attention purposes.

Ah, so it’s best to just throw our hands in the air and wait for Blizzard to just give us one from a world quest or war front. gg

Again, your makin’ alot of assumtions. It’s cute.

Both of the new Nazjatar / Mechagon achievements were good step towards making the content more exciting and fulfilling. I for one look forward to eventually getting my crab mount and better looking mecha wheel

I am having a blast with 8.2. I love nazjatar and Mechagon. The essence system is pretty nifty too and has me doing content I wouldn’t normally touch with a 50 foot pole(pvp islands). The world pvp has also been immensely fun. The only thing I hate are the bodyguards and the fact that the essence system isn’t account wide.

But yeah, I hate bodyguards.

Hate em. So much. Like. Why. Blizzard.

Do you know what an assumption is?

I’m not assuming anything. You’re plain-as-day saying you don’t want to go do content for one because reasons. I’m not assuming you don’t want to go do content for one, you’re literally telling me you don’t want to do content to get one. lol

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Just look at any of the talking heads. They have large communities that they communicate with on a daily basis.

You’ve been stuck with a 370 weapon because you’re not doing any content that drops weapons. You’ve killed 1 heroic boss and done 1 mythic plus dungeon.

How do you know weapon drops aren’t bountiful?

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I literally never said I didnt’ want to do content to get something.

The only thing I said I wouldn’t do was PvP, because PVP is garbage.

I simply pointed out, getting a 400 item level item, would have been nice.

Keep on assumin’ there Mr. 110

I love 8.2. Great patch. It introduced that stupid broken jump fruit from Naz, but besides that I like it alot.

I didnt like it at first, and then I realized ive been playing it everyday and have yet to log into FF14, the oh so might expansion that was supposed to blow wow away for good

FF14’s art style really turns me off. Like, it’s tailored towards edgy anime-loving weaboos. NTY! Never been a fan of Eastern Asian produced mmos though. Tried black desert online and couldn’t get into it for the same reason.

I’m doing plenty of content that drops weapons.

Regular Mythic dungeons simply just don’t track like Mythic+

And yeah, I killed 1 heroic boss, I killed Jaina, because I knew I could. And to say I did it.

I did 1 Mythic+ dungeon, because I wanted the Essence from it, and forgot it doesn’t start dropping the essence until next Tuesday.

Regular Mythic dungeons drop 370 weapons, caches drop weapons, warfronts drop weapons, ect.

Theres more to the world besides -just- raiding and mythic+ you know. The world’s much bigger than those tiny little instances.

I’ve been enjoying it… seriously what would people do if blizz didn’t give em a reason to play… like what would people be doing if there was no benthic gear, flying rep or mechagon toys/mounts? Do they just want to log in and sit there?

Yeah, you’re doing content that rewards 370 ilvl loot so you’ve got a 370 ilvl weapon.

What do you think would happen if you started doing content that rewarded 400 ilvl loot?

I’m doing content that drops 370 base, there are mechnics in the game that bump them up ya know.

We know everything about you it’s in your Armory.

No m+, no raid content other than lfr. and running old content when you out gear it.

We know exactly who you are. Joe average running around complaining you didn’t get a titan forge weapon drop from warfronts.

8.2 is fantastic, it reinvigorated my love for the game and i’m finding myself doing more content than I wouldn’t even think of previously.

I do have to admit though, if Mechagon wasn’t a thing this patch would suck major balls.