Deviate Delight server transfers

After various discussions, the Deviate Delight community decided to do away with the initial plan, which was to follow some sort of phases akin to the original Vanilla content release plan. A few months of MC, followed by BWL some weeks later, and so on. The initial plan was foiled, among other things, because various guilds and streamers decided to go against the initial plan and will do all available content right away, just as one would in Whitemane and any other Era Server.

As things stand, we should see the first raids into Naxx in the next few weeks. I imagine the first GDKPs will arise even before that since the usual boosters and gold farmers are 60 already.

Given that the situation justifying the initial closure of transfers is now over, could you open transfers back into Deviate Delight?


I’m a no on this. Don’t rush to ruin the server just because some people have no self control or desire to be on DD for the right reasons. This server would reach whatever the players really want it to be in a few months time anyway, just let that happen and do not open transfers.


They paid special attention to DD to make it “fresh”.

100% disagree, if people want to be on the server they can, just go and roll a toon there.

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damn its like that?

i was gonna reroll on a player fresh server but i guess not

especially if twitch influencers are involved

That’s like the only reason there even is a “fresh” movement on DD to begin with, so…



Should have seen that one coming 69,000 miles away. Of course some people are going to do the content that is available to them. Why wouldn’t they? Because some other nerds tell them they can’t? All you have to do it you want to maintain your experience is not invite people with gear outside of your current content tier. It’s not that hard.


Why are they playing on the server to begin with?

Nobody was on the server before the fresh movement.

They came to the server because others came as they found the rules appealing, decided to break the rules for personal gain and destroy the server.

It’s not like they were just passively playing the game and were constrained unfairly. They literally came to the server under the pretense of following the rules and with the fresh blood the rules brought, arbitrarily decided to break the rules for personal gain, and then ruined the server. The notion that this is some unfair or unexpected constraint is comical.

i wasnt aware deviate delight was started by a streamer my bad

i was just going off the reddit thread from a few months ago no mention of any of the popular streamers organizing it

i noticed a couple of wow youtubers mentioning much more recently

doesnt matter now if people are going off script and its getting influencer attention not gonna bother
feel sorry for the people whose time was wasted thinking they were getting a fresh expereince

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Transfers should not even exist on Era anyway, it undermines the game.


As far as I know, Alodar was the main (or one of the main) driving forces behind it:

To note, I don’t know much about the fresh movement, and am only really aware of it from posts on the forum. Specifically this post:


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Aldor came to Grobbulus to do this initially, kept saying our guilds didn’t exist, and when our guilds would talk to him to try to work with him invading our server he would just say (live on his stream mind you) that he was going to take over our server and get all his streamer friends to come and “revive Grobbulus”.

I’m obviously glad they decided to move to DD… it was mutually beneficial, as he couldn’t really claim fresh when T3 ally toons are showing up live on your stream (shout out “Butterbitxh”, Defender of Grobbulus, first of her name) and you have 100’s in gold due to an existing economy buying up your mats on the AG. And we certainly are glad Grobb remains what it was today and didn’t get invaded by streamers.

The whole thing was super hostile from the start… classic streamer culture and behavior baked in from the beginning. He got his wishes, and the streamers promoted DD and they revived a dead server. But with that, looks like lost control, and soon there will be GDKP and everything else. But like someone said above, it was those very streamers who kickstarted the server. DD wouldn’t be “thriving” without them today.

All this to say… the “movement” was started by a streamer, on another server initially, with the intention to get bigger streamers to advertise it and attract their legion to play on it. As written.


so nothing a classic player wants part of

thanks snipy and jarl for the heads up

guess ill just stay on my server and try to find another dad guild


It’s not for everyone, but I know a place…


I think there are plenty of people on deviate delight just there enjoying the fresh, would posit a good chunk of them are totally oblivious to any streamers.

However, there are the streamer-hype-crowd that is there and sometimes those people do little events (including DD) so I think that’s good for the community overall.

I’m also glad Alodar moved to DD from grob, it was a good move for everyone. Hopefully he learned a few lessons a few months later after getting pwned so hard by alexensual kek.

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lots of players is better than no players but i think that depends on the culture

if everyone is cheating you just have lots of cheaters

not that i think stream culture is bad its just not for me if people are having fun thats what counts

i just feel bad because i know there were probably people in that community that didnt want to deal with people not respecting phases and seeing gdkps

looks like grobbulus would be a nice server for them

Even if a huge percentage of the people start cheating and breaking the phases and hosting GDKPs, the server will still feel quite fresh for at least a bit longer.

I think DD already proved the point that fresh server is super fun for almost everyone in the community and creates lots of opportunities to market for blizzard.

It is kinda hard to lose in the Era ecosystem at the moment, whether someone makes a toon on hardcore, deviate delight, grob, mankrik, or whitemane, all of the servers offer plenty of good experiences for new and experienced players.

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id say a fresh start is available to everyone if they know what they are doing

sounds like they have some choices

if i wanted a fresh experience i would just have to reroll on a server I never played on before.when i start with bag space being a pain and no coin i know im starting over lol

I agree, but also would add that it adds to the immersion when most people on the server are also of a similar mindset.

So you mostly see people running around in greens and blues not full tier epics.

Yeah, the little things that make vanilla good are accessible even on the popular whitemane cluster, if one chooses to enjoy them instead of skipping with the AH.

I think have official fresh is complimentary in that it gives everyone a chance to do so together organized by an official timeline

DD being ruined has pretty much destroyed any further interest I had in this game. Probably going to let my sub run out and go back to 14 with my friends. Can’t have anything nice in this player base so it’s just not worth it.