Deviate Delight server transfers

We just need an actual fresh server.

I think DD is dead for me now as well and I’m level 60 here.

My preference is the SoM version.

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You’re 100% free to keep the phases. Each guild can play however they want. The server’s community is more important than sticking to a strict phase plan. Just because others aren’t doing it, doesn’t draw away your fun for doing it.

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Just because you say something, doesn’t make it true.

Anyhow, the server was polled and the majority were NOT in favor of getting rid of the rules.

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So why is YOUR fun so heavily based on what others are doing? From what I understand the original guilds (like refresh) are sticking to the phases. That’s good enough.

You’re mistaken, friend.

I’m not talking about me.

I’m talking about the overwhelming opinion of the players on the server.

Have fun, though.

Also, the premise that MMORPGs are a single player game is too comical to take seriously. It’s just brain-rot.

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You miss the point completely.

If people want to follow the rules, there are guilds that are following the phase rules. Others will come, because of the popularity. Others not following the rules shouldn’t discourage people who want to follow the rules from continuing their plans.

So the overwhelming majority want to do phases, and follow the rules. Why are you guys letting the MINORITY ruin what you’ve built?

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Hmmmm if you search my post history you’ll see i called this out months ago multiple times lol

It was never going to work regardless of streamers.

The realm already had sleeping characters on it with naxx gear and bots flowing with gold.

Then again fresh wont work either because it’d have to be gated properly or it’ll be like the other realms within 2 months cause of meta gaming.

Better luck next time lol

But sure go ahead and blame madseason for posting a vid about the project. Im sure it’s all his fault right? XD

Because neckbeards who didn’t get their shot at top spot in 2019 were trying to gain recognition on a community driven fresh lol

Heh good luck in extreme static spams and sitting on the bench in limsa for hours… i swear 6k of my hours on there is on a damn bench being whispered by weird old dudes hitting on me xD

Heres the problem and why you’re probably not going to convince me.

It allows people to rush content and have a gear advantage over other players that vastly differentiates from the gap in a single phase.

Which creates a dichotomy of ‘Well if youre so upset about it you should of joined X guild’. So youre gaslit for being in the ‘phase guild’ while youre getting stomped by Naxx geared toons.

Annd thats not what I signed up for. You can parrot the same thing over and over, its not what i signed up for. So I’m not playing. Simple as.

Madseason was right about players needing protecting from themselves.

But, I don’t understand why that matters? There’s a few guilds (at least from what I understand) that are sticking strict to the phase schedule and rules. It’s said the majority want the phase rules, so if the minority are not following it just don’t group with those players? There should be more than enough in the refresh guilds.

I laid it out pretty easy. You’re going to play with those players on the opposite faction. Because its a PvP realm. Its forced via ruleset.

Im good. I’m gonna play Diablo II while the drama unfolds.

Ahh, that’s a good point. I don’t even think about the pvp aspect. I don’t pvp at all, and have 0 HK, I just /hug people or turn them into sheep and /pet them, when they attack. For me, the server is about the community, with the phase rules being 2ndary.

I think Generous what you’re missing is that its not just pvp. For example I wan to PuG a scholomance. If we’re doing this in phase appropriate gear, the dungeon isnt a massive challenge but it doesnt roll over. If there is a naxx geared rogue in there, they can be tank and dps and honestly just need a healer for bosses. You are forced to become reclusive to retain integrity, that kills the feeling of community really quickly.

I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt because he doesn’t appear to be disingenuous - as soon as the rules go out you’ve created an arms race and literally nobody in their right minds will follow the phasing.

They know this, they’re just using “well you can just play old content and we’ll race ahead” as a smokescreen to race ahead.

One thing I want to stress is that these people aren’t even “good” at the game; watch their stream for a minute or two, copious backpedaling, bad decision making, etc. It’s really what the detractors say about it being a sandbox for the left behinds. Some of these special people really, really need to unbind that S key. I mention this because it’s not “elites” versus “plebs” or casuals, it’s a certain type of player that runs regular Whitemane GDKPs versus people who want to play an actual game. Dr. Diabetes, QED.

Backpedaling has its uses, especially in vanilla, and WoW has never been a game you HAVE to be good at (even retail). I say this as someone who has a video on my youtube killing Mythic Jaina and all the achievements poppin up that go with it.

Like, as a mage, especially playing with bad ping (aussie here), beckpedalling to kite is far more effective than strafing due to leeway + ms, and using wasd so your mouse is free to swivel camera/click stuff (like ZF GY farm).

I don’t watch streamers (well I’ve been watching fivex do pvp recently but he is just music and gameplay, no OOT personality/hating) so I’m sure what youre saying is in direct response to how they act, but being good at WoW means very little. Unless you’re retail arena pvp player ofc.

Obviously I’m aware of this.

There’s a difference between backpedaling when it’s absolutely necessary and backpedaling when you’re not tanking within two seconds of turning on your stream and for the next 30 minutes on and off.

It’s bad play. It’s a bad player that is, I’m afraid to say, a very unhealthy weight potentially in the abstract.

I’m not allowed to call people out specifically so this is a general statement.

Yeah dont do it, its no different the any other server just with a small population now

Your non specific specificity does suggest its a reply to certain people’s actions and words :wink: so I will assume you’re not being a ‘‘git gud’’ for the sake of mocking new/learning players. o7