CLASSIC FRESH on Deviate Delight Era (NA)! Come start anew

We all know there are lots of people out there that would love for a classic FRESH server to come out, however Blizzard has yet to hear our calls. Many people do not even have active accounts because they are not interested in the current options of WoW.

Some of us had discussed that idea of starting up FRESH on the Deviate Delight Classic Era (NA) server as there is virtually nobody playing there so anyone who came and played would be fresh. The economy is not already destroyed due to bots or characters that are already fully bis in Naxx gear.

The idea would be to encourage those who want to start from scratch to have a place to play with other who feel the same.

I get that this is not something for everyone, however there are a lot of people that would love a FRESH start and this is as close as we will get currently given that the private server community does not have a FRESH server coming up and Blizzard has not made any comments or commitment to relaunching a fresh server.

If you’re interested, please feel free to join us and help build a community.


  • We have moved this community driven movement to the Deviate Delight Classic Era server. There is a community guild , just ask for an invite. A community discord has also been created.
  • A Discord has been set up to be used by both factions to help build up the community.
  • Alliance guild has now also been formed and is called . Open to all players who wish to play a fresh like server.
  • Faction numbers are very close to being equal.
  • Population is starting to grow quickly. A week ago the population was around 5-10, it is now upwards of about 400+. The community is still young, but more and more have started over on Deviate Delight and the community is growing.
  • Over 200+ different characters logged in yesterday on Horde Side.
  • Over 190+ different characters logged in yesterday on the Alliance side.

Community Discord:
(Remove the spaces): https: // discord gg /Y6JGzubz


Welcome to our humble server sir! While you may view Grobbulus as a “fresh server” we have an active community on both horde and alliance that’s been here since TBC (and many of us since day 1 Grobb).

Alliance has Legacy, and Horde has Requiem. Both are raiding content (Legacy & Tales from Naxxramas: Four Horsemen defeated). While we welcome you all to the server, I must say it is not fresh or without Naxx geared toons.

All I ask is that you all respect that there’s two communities active here already who enjoy our non-streamer, non-gdkp, non-meta culture way of life. We’ve been here for years and while I would love some more friends (even rival guilds?) to play with here on Grobb, I would ask you reframe it away from a “fresh” server with “no one here” as you claim.

please reach out to our guilds if you all need a hand! We are a friendly bunch of die hard vanilla wow enthusiasts who’ve purposefully hole’d up away from the clustered servers. :saluting_face:


So far we’ve seen roughly 70-80 people create new characters. We have a community starter guild for people to get to know others and find groups called “We Want Fresh”. A discord for this community will also be created.

What Jarl said. We are here on Grobb. Welcome, and we look forward to seeing you out and about.


After SOD is finished I’m on my way!

As many others here, I would love for nothing more than for Blizz to release a fresh classic server. However, it is players like yourself who are preventing it from happening. If you are paying a subscription, why would Blizz make any changes?? As far as they are concerned you are willing to pay for what they are currently selling.
If you want to make a real change, you need to change yourself first. Unsub like I did, and with time, Blizz will have to listen to our requests if they wona stay in business. Nothing will come of empty posts as long as they keep getting your money. Join the unsub crew who makes real changes happen.

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Just wanted to update.

We are now using the OG Grobbulus discord for communication. Their mods have been very receptive to this idea. I am trying to get #era channels added.

The overall reception has been extremely positive and those playing are having a great time. 90% of the people playing are under level 20 so you won’t be far behind.

We have a community guild to help people get started called . We are helping through RFC and starting tomorrow Wailing caverns.

Play any class you desire.

All vanilla fans welcome.

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Come on Debbie downer.

I started a character over on horde on grobb. There were ~30 ppl playing so I’m not under any fantasy that it’s a full server, I’m just sick of all gkccps in these populated realms and decided to do something.


I’ve recently transferred over to Grobb to join up with Legacy and I’ve gotta say, it’s a much better WoW experience than I was having up until this point. I can actually go out into the world and do things. The downside, of course, is that I don’t really have a lot of folks to do dungeons with, but so far it’s been a happy tradeoff for a character that doesn’t really need to do dungeons.

With that said, Grobb does still seem to have bots. It’s my understanding that, due to the server still having a free transfer off, a lot of bots will roll there to level in relative obscurity, farm up a bunch of mats, and then transfer to Whitemane/Mankrik for free to offload.

I’m all for Grobb getting more folks active on it; however, more people will only mean more bots. It would be nice if Blizzard saw this post and decided to make that the one place they would actually enforce the ToS :slight_smile:

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this loophole should really be cut off


10000%. All of us on Grobb are here to stay and have purposefully not taken the Free Character Move to Whitemane, even though we’ve had the option for something like 2 years. At this point I wish it was just a paid transfer off. Bots are exploiting it to mule mats to the popular clusters… I doubt many returning players are using it to find their old toon on Grobb and moving it over to WM but I don’t have data either. Could limit FCM to existing toons from 2021 or something, and all others need to pay.


I think you’re missing the point of this.

This is a player driven movement. Nobody suggested the server was full… we are encouraging NEW players to the server to level up as they would any fresh server. Nobody said that 1000s were already here. This movement started off small where only 5-6 people may have been online during prime time when we scouted the server… now often it has close to 80 after just a few days.

We have a community guild to help those who are just starting out with whatever we can including groups and a vanilla like community feel.

Requiem is also recruiting people new and old to help push content. We currently have about 15 raiders and we dabble in 20mans and some MC. Saturday nights 7pm Server for anyone interested in joining the party!



/300 characters

If you aren’t RPers pick a server besides Grobbulus.


been playing on grobbulus for alittle over a week, fun but the economy is terrible for new players. experienced players taking advantage and overpricing materials used for early profession training. id warn players of this… its VERY expensive on grobbulus as a new player.

Where is this happening? Grobbulus classic era? Neither faction has an active AH and both factions are happy to help new players for free. We literally give away tons of consumes and mats and even free epic mounts if you ask for help in Requiem or Legacy!

Gold is literally worthless on our server


Can confirm, Grobb is a utopia for those who want to recapture a bit of the vanilla experience. The server is dead, but the guild legacy has made me feel very welcome since I transferred from the gdkp hellscape that is Whitemaine. All the people are cool helpful and welcoming. 10/10 would recommend.


I think Alodar has already moved to another server.

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Hey just an update:

We have started over on DEVIATE DELIGHT Classic Era. There are a few reasons:

  1. We were only going to be able to use one discord channel in the old Grobbulus Discord, so we’ve created our own discord and help the community grow.
  2. Deviate Delight has NO guilds playing or people raiding at all currently.
  3. The Economy in completely fresh.

This was overwhelmingly a popular decision even amongst those who were the highest leveled characters. The server feels MUCH more fresh like.

An invite to the discord can be given once you create your character.