Development Preview: Cross-Faction Instances

Please Re-Think this and allow cross faction guilds. Why make a half-measure of cross faction. The argument you attempt to address and remove the prevention of friends playing together, has a guild as a core aspect. Why limit that? If you are allowing cross faction grouping, allow cross faction guilds.

This is another instance of making more work for yourselves. You end up doing something half-way. Then a patch later, have to re-do it again. This was done with covenants. This was done with Legion legendary items. This was done with Azerite.

Just for once, go all the way with an idea. Allow cross faction guilds, RBG’s, LFR and Random Heroics. No more half measures.


lmao seethe


Guilds need to be multifaction 100%. This helps pugs on alliance and thats it. Let guilds have this.


Fantastic change that will help the long term health of the game! Bravo for not waiting till 10.0 to make it an “expansion feature” but giving it to us now! Thank you.


Shouldn’t take much honestly, just need to bring in the modern system vs. the old dated one.

The coding for this sounds like an absolute nightmare.

Can I still punt Gnomes?

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Now let us cross faction guild tyvm.


Wow is all I have to say.

Wait, what? It’s happening?

We are not in Kansas anymore


Is it cross faction and cross server?

I don’t know if it’s been mentioned already, but will you be able to communicate with others of the opposing faction outside of your group while in a cross-faction group in the open world? If so, that’s a game changer for open world roleplay; if not, perhaps a in-game toggle to allow for such (like being able to opt-in/out from your character knowing Common/Orcish), or changing the Elixir of Tongues into a toggle-able toy would solve this discrepancy.


As the vast majority here are mentioning, this is a fantastic step in the right direction! BUT this needs to be extended to cross-faction guild implementation to really see the benefits for raiders.


They should probably fix guild management controls first


I can’t believe you’ve finally done it. Wow, I am very excited.


Yea good point and i missed that. But outside of old code and to much work I’m curious as to why allow cross faction communities but not guilds. IF i wanan get a few alliance players in our mythic raid grp for 9.2 instead of getting them in our guild that’s currently set up and allows them access to gbank resources. I need to convince all my current raiders to join a community so they can easily see our 2-3 alliance raiders.


cope harder chud

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This is so Great! I couldnt be happier!

In terms of in-world fiction and player preferences, there are decades of animosity to overcome.
we know that there are many who will react warily to this change,
There are likely those who have read this far with some unease, worried that this is chipping away at a foundational principle of Warcraft.

This :arrow_up: is all bullsh*t projection, IMO.

As a long-time player, I dont think the “Horde v Alliance” thing is all that big a deal to the majority of players. There’s always outliers, but this feels right because it is, in fact, reflective of community opinion.

Baby steps are fine (“Focus on organized instanced gameplay”), but don’t kid yourself: most players are thrilled they can “just play” with whoever they want.

10.0 = Cross-faction guilds, maybe cross-faction open world. Sayin’ it here first.


Did you forget communities exist?