Development Preview: Cross-Faction Instances

Why are guilds not a part of this feature? Its the most important part of the whole ordeal imo


Need cross-faction guilds so that they can share the gchat, gbank, and such otherwise this isn’t a good solution for cross-faction. The odd faction out has to work much harder for repairs and anything in the guild bank available to the main faction not counting how lonely they’ll feel missing out on gchat. Using a community isn’t the same as gchat.


This seems like a fair compromise for people who want cross faction, and not cross faction. This is a nice middle ground.

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Holy moly! This is amazing. I have been working on a Horde toon to raid because US Alliance is so dead. Most of my raiding is through Discord so if we can form up cross-faction that opens up all sorts of possibilities.

I wish the in-game queues were opt-out rather than opt-in though. There is little incentive for Horde to open groups to Alliance. Hopefully enough players have toons on both factions that they will be willing to recruit more broadly.

Loving the changes and the extra communication! This is excellent! :smiley:

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What’s to cope over? I got what I wanted.

No coping here.

Was hoping for bigger change, its so weird when someone advertises a guild in trade chat and I ask to join and the guy tells me “sorry, cant invite you, says you are in the wrong realm” I should have said “No no no, YOU are in the wrong realm!” but I just smh and moved on.

This is an amazing start.

Please please please make factions opt-in for pvp purposes.

Like a lot of others, I play on a PvE server and half the people I run into in the open world are from the apposing faction. It serves absolutely no purpose for me not to be able to communicate or play with them. At the same time it is a point of aggravation as they will just get in the way of anything I am doing as they tag a mob that I can’t help on or vise-versa.

The server I play on (as we have witnessed on classic realms), Medivh, is a PvE server that became predominantly alliance before the realms became connected. It is how the players want to play. Most of us do not want the apposing faction getting in our way from accomplishing our goals. The players made that clear years ago and continue to make that clear on classic realms.

Best solution is just to make factions opt-in for pvp based reputations
 (sorta like the critically acclaimed MMORGP FFXIV)

I would imagine that most Real-ID friends at this point are already playing together so this doesn’t fix the problems.

Please please please make factions opt-in for pvp purposes. I want to play and communicate with anyone I come across.


the irony of this coming from someone playing a vulpera.


Yea, idk, I feel like they rewrote a bunch of guild code when the brought communities in. Maybe they’re worried about xfaction banks?

Most likely coming in 10.0. There is a lot of stuff they need to change/rework to get this up and running.


I like this, I can live my dream of being a goat with horde friends

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don’t tell me in game communities are cross faction already?

Two nice changes in one day? nice. Keep it up!

I agree, why only go halfway with this change. Unrated PVP should be the same, I would imagine it would drastically reduce Que times if the first 20 people que’d get put into a match rather than having to wait for 10 on both sides. Etc. Blizzard if you ever read this please consider adding cross faction unranked pvp while you are at it!


Great change!

Cross Faction Rated PvP? Boo.

It’s about damn time.

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Just go all in and let guild cross faction too.
How many times have Horde and Alliance worked together? Have cross faction going on in the NPC ranks?
There can still be a Horde vs Alliance and have people crossing lines.


Now you just need to make sure 10.0 isn’t a disaster.

Well done.