Developer Update: A Look at What’s Ahead for Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Still no Race Changes? Cmon Blizzard.


ToGC shouldn’t be changed, when you get it down it’s a 45 min instance.


It would be nice, Naxx 40 being available would have been the only reason why I would have stayed on a Classic TBC server after Wrath.

In Regards to Blizzard:

As for the dungeon changes. Its great that boosting is being killed however I’m a bit concerned about SoM like changes to dungeon mobs to have a diminishing effect with snares and roots. It means old world farming of content may not be viable, and dungeon farming of Wrath dungeons to make some gold will also be unviable meaning we will see alot more crowding of the open world for gold farms.

I think the drastic exp nerf will be enough if you have a significantly higher level player in the group.


Is this lvl 60 ur classic main? Rdf is in retail > that way.

We literally have evidence from all of classic showcasing this exact this happens though

TK/SSC too hard, people quit.
Naxx classic to hard (mostly harder on people’s gold fund), people quit
Sunwell’s out, guilds cant bust certain bosses and disband the guilds, thus, people quit.


Maintain a healthy density of players enjoying Heroic dungeons throughout the entire expansion

If this was supposed to be a pillar… you really messed up by removing RDF because that was the only way to achieve it without offering massive rewards.


That you do on 4 different difficulties

So just screw everyone who did want to just re-experience Wrath -as it was- then right? :roll_eyes:



jesus christ, I don’t know what kind of glue you people are sniffing at blizz HQ but seriously - STOP.


Most raid teams do AT LEAST 2x 3 hour nights, 4 totc would only take up 1 of those nights

He didn’t say “doing” he said “enjoying” heroics lol

Noon enjoys rdf, you’ve just given up and want the quickest way to get it done. As it stands we still enjoy running heroics.

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Please explain to me, how a character Avatar has any relevance to a response in a thread. Dungeon finder, was in WOTLK originally, so go back to playing in the dirt my friend.


You’re never going to see wotlk as it was. It was a different time. The world has changed and how you interact with the game now has changed. Time marches on, no matter how badly you want it to stop.


I won’t have to, because blizzard has decided they’d rather market the game to me than to you. So it looks like you’re gonna have to suck it up or go touch grass yourself :heart::heart::rofl::rofl:

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I feel like this doesn’t make any sense and is a contradicting statement.

You liked that TBC and Wrath were constantly evolving and weren’t looking forward to a static 3.x Wrath but are looking forward to changes that will be static once Wrath Classic releases?


Original WotLK had Dungeon Finder, Classic WotLK does not. There’s a sandbox near my house if you want to play in the dirt together though, <3

Stop listening to the small minority screaming the loudest. One of the issues that is harming retail is that its too difficult. This announcement is just mind boggling.


Eh, likely they’ll “change their mind” and “listen to the community” when the subs start dropping and add it in.

They do it all the time and it’s likely the plan all along.


I liked having my double trinket on my resto shaman. I didn’t mind the way raid lockouts were for TOGC due to the nature of the raid. It needed to be changed for ICC though.

If they don’t make the trinkets unique period, then all you are asking for in TOGC is guild drama.

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Every Blue Post about Wrath makes me less excited for Wrath. How is this possible?