Developer Update: A Look at What’s Ahead for Wrath of the Lich King Classic

You have a very weird definition of bombed, RoS revived D3

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Don’t forget heirlooms! :slight_smile:


Would really like to have LFD because not everyone has time to form a group or wait for a group to be formed. I’m sure the majority of the players that will be in Wrath Classic are the same players from the original which means that we’re a bit older with a lot more responsibilities in life. If I only have an hour to play I want to be able to use LFD, get into a dungeon, finish it, and log off until I can find the time to log back in. Not everyone can play 7 days a week, 8-12hrs per day.


Cross realm BGs is fine but “tHe CoMmUnItY” draws the line at xrealm LFG tools? K to the E K


Overall I like what I see, however I don’t see how removing LFD connects with these goals. I understand it’s an easy scapegoat to blame for no socializing but it does more good than harm imo. Consider phasing it in slowly in stages if need be (i.e no LFD phase 1 at 80, just leveling dungeons, phase 2 normals etc).

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Nah they’re apparently entirely different and if you suggest otherwise you hate people who PVP and hate classic. Obligatory ReTaIl Is ThAt WaY response.

in total reality the systems are functionally identical in how they work, any argument past that is generally just semantics and pearl clutching.

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Get a tissue man the sniveling is kinda annoying

Looks like the letters rdf together are all irrelevant.

“The first and most important design pillar is: Nurture and Protect Social Experiences”

Did you miss the most important design pillar? There’s a whole paragraph insinuating that rdf erodes the social fabric of classic

would be fun to see how worse they can make that, if they can turn a good game like LK into garbage, imagine what they can do to Cata…

No they didnt.
They replaced the daily heroic quest with a daily random heroic dungeon reward.

It didnt make it more relevant. It just made you not need to do a specific one for the daily reward. Just a random one.

That didnt add any relevance. Just changed how the daily bonus badges were given.

Yes they did, but “insert reason they didn’t below”. C’mon now, we’ve been through this.


I already gave the reason they didn’t make them more relevant. You cut that part out of the quote though. Almost like your intentionally not addressing it. Hmmmm.

That pillar would be: We already know how difficult it is to create low level dungeon groups. To massage the ego of the minority we are going to make sure that torture continues. Oh and socialization yada yada yada, same people babble babble babble.


Its almost like it doesn’t matter. RDF made dungeons relevant by making them accessible. I know that it’s hard to comprehend whats going on outside of that little tiny box you’re in, but give it a try.


Exactly! Vanilla Wrath was at it’s best because the changes they implented between tbc and wrath were juuuust right. There’s literally nothing wrong with wotlk that needs fixing. #somechanges was necessary for wow classic, but that philosophy doesnt apply here.

The only #somechanges i would support is increased naxx and heroic difficulty because most players can smash the original content in half the time these days.

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Yeah and I don’t agree with that assessment. It’s a lazy cop out and easy to just say LFD is the problem when it’s deeper than that.

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I don’t agree with you, and I’m pretty thankful the people in charge have more experience and foresight. So I’m pretty glad you’re in the position you’re in.

Cool story. I’m leaving my feedback for the devs.

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Is your feedback that you didn’t see they’re reasoning? The only feedback I saw in your post is that maybe it was hard for you to read?