Developer Interview Says no Malfurion in 10.2

Ysera has been advising Merithra now that Merithra has been chosen as Ysera’s replacement as most of Ysera’s Order has been replaced with Death.

Okay? but how has this impacted us? there was nobody else that could advise her so that we didn’t lose malfurion in the process? I don’t hate ysera at all i just dont see the point of them swapping at all…


Malfurion is in the 10.2 data, so he must be popping in at some point. I kinda hope at least they have his dream avatar show up, even if he is mostly useless he can still be there in spirit—Literally.


She was mostly needed to break the Primalist’s hold on the Emerald Dream from inside. Though technically Malfurion was already an expert at this…

Okay yeah, she wasn’t needed.


Spoilers ahead if you haven’t done the quest chain.

So, basically what happened is the Primalists deceived the Green Dragons and got access to the Emerald Dream portal, in doing so they set up a barrier that when Merithra tried to destroy it, simply reformed itself, preventing the Green Dragons from getting in there to defeat the Primalist threat.

They realized that the only way they’d be able to get behind the barrier to destroy whatever it was that was keeping it active, was to go through the Shadowlands, so Malfurion, Tyrande and Somnikus (the Green Dragon who was deceived by the Primalists) travelled to Ardenweald to do just that.

When Somnikus told Ysera about what happened, he offered to take her place in the Shadowlands so that she could defend the Dream from the other side. But Ysera pointed out that wasn’t possible, as Somnikus, despite being a Green Dragon, had no ties to Ardenweald (Dragons go to a different afterlife) and so he could not take the Winter Queen’s bond upon himself.

After some additional pleading from Tyrande that Ysera sadly had to ignore as she refused to ask anyone to take her place. Malfurion realized that he was the only being there that could volunteer. As a Night Elf, and a powerful Druid no less, he had strong ties to Ardenweald and could take the Winter Queen’s bond upon himself, so that’s what he did. Once that was done, Ysera was able to get into the Emerald Dream, then pass through the portal and destroy the conduits keeping the barrier up.

Why couldnt malfurion do that himself ?

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Not sure if he could have.

Ysera destroys the conduits keeping the barrier active, it’s entirely possible that she was needed to do that.

But there of course was another reason she was needed as well, and that had to do with the Green Dragon leadership. When Ysera died as the Green Dragon Aspect, no other Green Dragons were appointed to replace her. Merithra was viewed as the ‘defacto’ leader of the flight, but not all the Green Dragons believed that she was worthy of being Aspect.

In WoW lore, for the most part at least, aspects are chosen through a democratic vote. All living Dragons get a say in who should be the new leader, which is how Kalecgos became the Aspect of the Blue Dragonflight. The other Blue Dragons effectively voted for him, which pissed off the Dragon running against him, who was secretly working for Deathwing (and was subsequently killed by him)

When Ysera returned to Azeroth, the only way to heal the Dream from the damage that had been caused was to use a relic called the Dream Locus, located in Lunedane. But that relic can only be activated by the Aspect of the Green Dragonflight. Merithra thought that meant Ysera and asked her to activate it, but she refused, stating that it was Merithra who had that power now, not her. True enough, Merithra was able to activate the Locus, heal the dream (by obliterating all the elementals causing damage to it) and that 100% cemented her place as the Aspect of the Green Dragonflight.

It sounds like tbh they intended for ysera to return as aspect and malfurion to die, but then realised too late that would be a copout but already had everything set up so intead just made malfurion sleep in ardenweald and have ysera return to help merithra


Dream xpac? 10.2 is a whole new expansion now?

It was insane that the forsaken were written out of the death expac while night elves were retconned to be the center stars of the show.

Take a knee.


“Bow before the dragon of Zakuul Valdrakken.”

I guess that would be our lady Alex.

If someone’s going to be Valkorion, they need to be charismatic.

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Do you honestly believe that Vol’Jin will be back? Becuase my bet is he will be ghost projection that will occasionally make a cameo. He won’t herald anything new.
He was always treated as an afterthought and the fact that he had to merge with Rezan gives me additional worry over what would come from it.
It’s as if Tyrande died and merged with Ysera.

But I’d be happy to be proven wrong. But so far this game made me to always bet on the worst case scenario.

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I didn’t play through Shadowlands, but from what I know Malfurion didn’t set foot in Ardenweald, so how could he have strong ties to place he never set foot in? From what I know ED and Shadowlands are two different things. So I am confused.

Night Elves and Druids go to Ardenweald when they die, although exceptions can be made.

When Malfurion dies for real, his spirit will likely end up in Ardenweald as a result of that.

He is also in there right now

From what I’ve read nelf spirits go to Ardenweald after the whole ordeal that we recently made in Ardenweald.

Ofc I could be wrong because I only read snippets on other sides, and I didn’t check it firsthand. But it still sounds farfetched to me.
Malfurion never died, never went to that place, and just becuase in theory he could that doesn’t really convince me that he is the only one he could do it.

And lastly - how are now whisps treated now? I remember that originally when nelves died they turned into whisps and lived in trees. That’s why they were livid when orcs stated to chop them down. So I wonder how that got changed.

IIRC the reason given was by danuser, was he had become so goated at being a druid he sorta counted as a wild god

So the thing with Wisps is interesting.

Basically when a mortal soul dies, the Kyrian will come to the veil between life and death where they’ll locate the spirits of the deceased. Normally they will take the souls of mortals to Oribos, where they’ll be judged and then sent to their chosen afterlife.

However, not all souls will be taken by a Kyrian and there are a few reasons why this won’t happen.

  1. The spirit of the deceased being doesn’t belong in the Shadowlands.
  2. The spirit refuses to accept that they’re dead or refuses to accompany the Kyrian for another reason.
  3. Another cosmic plane has a very strong hold on that particular soul.

Wisps are a result of the third reason. The mortals who become wisps have an extremely strong tie to the cosmic realm of life, which is where Elune is from. She takes the souls of these mortals to the realm of life, they become wisps, and then she sends them back to the world of the living to live in the forests.

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You’re correct. His only ties with Ardenweald is that he had to swap with Ysera to allow her to return. The reason given for this requirement isn’t even true. It wasn’t “”“Malfurion’s moment to die”“” Ysera got mind controlled and killed.