Developer Interview Says no Malfurion in 10.2

According to this interview with Morgan Day and Patrick Scarborough, it appears Malfurion will not be present in 10.2.

But hey it’s okay, because the ice dragon will be there…

Frustrating to see a character constantly removed from plots for parts of the universe his lore expanded out of game.


Well you see its incredibly important they tell the very interesting story of the winter queens younger sister defeating fyrakk. Malfurion heh hes old news.

For real it sucks a character with epic out of wow story like malfurion is constantly belittled and knee capped currently.


Did anyone expect him to appear? Wasn’t he traded to Ardenweald for Ysera? It would be pretty silly to have that happen then immediately have him come back.

There’s been a conscious effort all through DF to tell a story without the old characters… we got through all of the primal stuff without a single prominent shaman showing up. Keeping Malfurion out of things now is entirely in line with that.


The bulk of the characters are characters who’ve been around since classic or earlier. But he’s so underused in WoW, that you could practically sell him as a new character, in the same way people think Merithra was ‘new’ even though she’s been here since Classic.

He’s been written out of so many stories tied to him, and it is frustrating to see it happen again in DF.

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I mean…

He’s quite literally in the Shadowlands. And we know precisely why he’s there too. As long as Ysera is still walking around in the mortal world, he’s going to be in the Shadowlands.

It’s not like the lore team forgot about him. They know where he is, and why he can’t be in the Emerald Dream patch.


People complaining about him not being in this patch just goes to show how many people pay absolutely zero attention to quests or the lore in general


Or just want to complain for the sake of complaining.

I’d get it if say, Malfurion was in Stormwind just chilling with his people near the Embassy. Then there would be a legitimate reason to complain about Malfurion not being present in the Emerald Dream patch, because if there was a choice between defending the Dream and loafing around in a field growing pumpkins, you know Malfurion would be in the Dream.

But he’s not doing that. He’s tied up and won’t be returning to any place in Azeroth or the Emerald Dream until Ysera takes her place in the Shadowlands again.


It looks like yresa daughter becomes the full aspect so yeah I was thinking malfurion was gonna come back

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Druids have been able to project their shades across dimensions since TBC with the epic flight form quest / classic with Malfurion talking to us in Moonglade. And Ysera’s return made no sense, and continues to make no sense. Why do they insists on writing Malfurion out of literally every conflict he’s tied to?

They did stuff that makes no sense to swap him with Ysera, when it makes no sense in their story to do so. Criticizing that isn’t ‘not reading the lore’


Sorry, but you were dumb to expect him back this soon. It’s VERY obvious that he’s in the Shadowlands so that he can come back at the same time Vol’jin does. A horde AND alliance character infused with the magic of the shadowlands, probably to herald in a new expansion at some point. Even putting that aside, thinking he’d be back this fast after they made a big deal out of him having to leave tyrande to slumber once more is silly af. Like come on, you guys just ignore obvious plot cues so you can whine on the forums.


why you mad lol, i think it makes sense to think he might come back if ysera’s daughter becomes the aspect, like why does ysera need to stay at that point

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Mad? Nah, I’m just laughing at how dumb some of you are. What kind of sense from a plot and storytelling perspective does it make if they show how torn up Malfurion and Tyrande are about him having to go back into slumber if it’s only going to last a few months in-game?

I’ll save you the time, it wouldn’t make sense. You guys want the story of the game to bend itself around your desires rather than what would constitute better writing.
“B-but he shouldn’t have been written into the slumber to begin with!!” Doesn’t matter. He was. Reversing it just because some of you are incessant whiners would just make them look silly.


Because it’s absolutely INSANE that the dude whose primary thing for half of WoW has been ‘sorry, busy dealing with the Emerald Dream’ gets written out right before a Dream xpac.

They constantly write him out of things and denying him anything. That was the entire point.

It didn’t make sense in established lore anyways. The basis of it required logic that is inconsistent with the lore and a restriction the Emerald Dream had NEVER shown before.


well seems you didnt read anything I said so yeah MAD

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Yeah, you’re right. Malfurion HAS dealt with the dream for the entirety of WoW, and it’s honestly gotten beyond old. You guys complain that he’s never allowed to do anything other than dream stuff, but 180 now that he’s missing out on it for the first time in all of WoW’s nearly twenty years of run time.

Like lmao, get a clue. This is a good thing for Malfurion’s character in the long run because it will let him actually branch out from just being the Emerald Dream’s head janitor.

There was no established lore on somebody leaving the shadowlands, but nice try.

Very nice argument Kat. Calling the other party mad rather than forming an actual rebuttal.

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How? How has it gotten old, when he has only ever actually done anything on screen with it pretty much once?

How. It is literally just doing what has been done to him over and over for years. Tying him to Shadowlands lore isn’t making Malfurion more appealing when people don’t LIKE shadowlands lore!

“Because I say so it’s irrefutably true and also must be exactly what you meant.”


:rofl: Seriously? If you think the Emerald Nightmare raid was the first time Malfurion was involved with the dream in WoW then I really don’t know what to say to you other than. Lol. No. You’re dead wrong.

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You got tired from literally just occasionally hearing about him fight the emerald nightmare in Vanilla, TBC and Wrath? Seriously? By that logic aren’t we tired of Ysera being tied to the Emerald Dream too lol? Undead have been tied to death for a long time, lets make them tied to space!!!


Undead in space would be awesome as hell. This is honestly your problem and a problem with many night elf players. You’re all too far up your own rectums to enjoy the prospect of new things happening to their characters and race.

“New things” as in being written out to get “your same powers but blue?” Is actually something big?

Should he sleep in a dimension of every shade of the rainbow, because him sleeping all the time somehow -isn’t- repetitive?