Developer Interview Says no Malfurion in 10.2

Well hey, you got Night Elf players wanting him back, and truth be told it doesn’t make much sense post 10.2 for Ysera to stick around in the realm of the living. After all the Green Dragonflight is in Merithra’s charge now and the Dream will no longer be under threat.

So she should return to the Shadowlands and Malfurion should return, because the whole swap between the two was never a permanent thing, it was always temporary.

Here’s the thing. Night elf players with complain and complain till he’s back. Then they will complain that he’s back. I’ve been in this game for a lonnnng time, and night elf players exist only to find reasons to complain. Lore wise, his character was dumbed down, along with the night elf race as a whole, to the point that him being back serves no purpose at all. He didn’t honestly do crap other than exist to fix Tyrande’s mistakes.

Oh I know. I’ve been witness to Night Elf players chuckling a wobbly whenever there is the slightest inconvenience thrown their way.

But I think we can both agree, wobblies aside, that it doesn’t make sense for Malfurion to stay in the Shadowlands for good.

Idk. I’m really enjoying not hear someone cry for tyrande every questline. Lol.

I’d point out that it was actually Xavius mocking malfurion during that specific quest, but you know, that’s been explained so many times now



Xavius was playing with Tyrande. Malfurion at that point was completely bound and silenced, so he wasn’t really saying anything.

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Ooh look at all these “night elf fans” here to give their super precious two cents about what should happen with night elf story…


God forbid a community who’s been crapped on since at least vanilla, wants a few good moments

Imagine that. People are weird though


You know which community never had a W? Trolls.


Considering Amirdrassil is going to be the next raid, this isn’t just the Night Elf story anymore.

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Yea… That still sucks. Hoping that Tyrande might finally show up. After all it is a Night Elf Patch along with other Night Elven Characters that need to be there. Emerald Dream isn’t the Dream without Night Elves specially Malfurian.

Yeah, they intentionally put him away after he was absent from shadowlands so he wouldn’t be invovled in the thing that is tied so centerally to his character. Much like the night elves were left out of fighting Azshara so Jaina and Lorthemar could take care of her and Tyrande didn’t show up to fight Sylvanas at SoO part 2, when she was apparently laser focused on that, which is why she was absent from BfA and didn’t even use the night warrior powers to fight an old god, she was just absent. Same reason the night elves were mostly left out of BfA as well after their genocide and it was about Saurfang and Anduin. They didn’t even have Illidan meet with Tyrande or Malfurion in legion either because they forgot.

They continually remove night elves from things that have been central to their story. But at least they brought back the druids of the flame so we can kill more night elves, just like the major players in the elementalist faction serving rasz or whatever they were called were night elves.

But I’m sure there will be a literal who night elf druid will be present, doubt they even remembered Broll exists.

I’m pretty neutral about Malfurion because I prefer Night Elf characters like Tyrande, Maiev and Shandris but it did seem like an odd choice to exclude him. With the story developments though, I wasn’t surprised to see him left out.

The whole ‘trading Malfurion for Ysera’ thing didn’t make sense to me because if they could get to the Shadowlands in the first place, why couldn’t Malfurion just enter the Dream from Ardenweald? Maybe I missed something, I promise I’m not being deliberately obtuse.

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He’ll officially become a wild god, to match Vol’jin being a loa. Calling it now, and I’m definitely not the first to do so.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they did this, the question is -why.- The most powerful mortal druid in all of Azeroth becomes… even more powerful? It’s not like they do anything with Malfurion’s strength to begin with.


Malfurion literally spend 13,000 years in the Emerald Dream, and that was before he was kidnapped into the Nightmare section of it.

Man’s done his time. And Ysera isn’t done yet with her job on the mortal plane.

Easy: So there’s no whining about Horde getting a power-up without an equivalent on the Alliance side. Despite the fact that the average Alliance hero is already vastly more powerful than the average Horde hero.

Maybe not (much) more powerful, just less mortal.


She does.

Malfurion however is not going to be there, for established reasons.

He was absent from the Shadowlands because the Night Elves needed a leader after Tyrande leapt into the Maw.

Because Tyrande was literally fighting to retake her home from the Horde since Anduin refused to provide any aid to reclaim Darkshore and Ashenvale.

They didn’t forget, they had other responsibilities.

They had no reason to go to Argus to fight the Legion there. Neither of them did.

You’re obviously missing the point of them excluding night elves from important night elf plots. You forgot Illidan was not only on Argus, he was on Azeroth for most of his time on the expansion, not only that he was saved at the end of The Nighthold, where Tyrande was literally right in front of her after we defeated Gul’dan.

For one that is not clear because we can only assume that, we have no information as to what she is doing, she wasn’t even a part of the warfront in 8.1. She apparently focused on taking out Sylvanas, but doesn’t show up when they are going to confront sylvanas, then after Sylvanas flies away she is absent again for the old god stuff because she is trying to fight sylvanas, she didn’t even reclaim the land much outside of darkshore from the horde as they still hold much in ashenvale and darkshore is a ruin, they don’t actually say what she was doing. They couldn’t even have night elves involved in the azshara plotline.

He was absent for BfA after 8.1 as well all the way up until he appears to just go to the shadowlands so they could bring Ysera back, as they forgot to develop any green dragon characters. It’s also not stated what he is doing during shadowlands, although you can speculate. Lor’themar showed up at the end of Shadowlands despite needing someone to lead their people, Malfurion did not.

All of this though is not really the point of them writing out the night elves and night elf characters while using important night elf plotlines, instead of just doing something else, much like removing Malfurion before we actually go to the dream just so he can not be involved in something so central to his character.

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why did he swap places with Ysera anyways? what has she even done since she’s been back? lol

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