Developer Interview Says no Malfurion in 10.2

Anything else on your crystal ball I should know about? Because you have no idea what will come of Malfurion slumbering in the shadowlands. Nobody does. You just cynically assume the worst because you’re addicted to negativity and whining. Another problem the Elf Fanbase is rife with.

Danuser literally said “maybe he’ll come out with new energies” so apologies that i reference what the guy writing the story says?

Oh, and you think that’s all that will happen? Seriously, you guys need to be studied by phychologists so they can understand how such levels of negative self delusion can be maintained for such a long length of time.

As long as no one has decided to trade themselves for Malfurion he will remain in the Shadowlands.

In otherwords find someone to trade for Malfurion.

Hopefully we can find someone capable of taking Malfurion’s place. Someone unimportant.

… and you’re -not- mad, right?

Trust me, I’m far far meaner when I’m mad. This is just me amusing myself picking apart another moronic nelf crybaby session.

Riiiight. -not- mad haha.

If thinking I’m mad makes you feel better about how much of a literary illiterate crybaby you are, then by all means.

The epitome of calm rationality.


Isn’t this the same thing they did to him in BfA and Shadowlands? They always take Malfurion out as soon as it becomes relevant. It’s sad how he’s constantly written out of history.


I just realized who could possibly be taking Malfurion’s place in Ardenweald: Oberon.

Avaloren was mentioned for a reason and Avaloren is WoW’s version of Avalon which is the domain of the Summer Court ruled by Titania and Oberon and we all know that Oberon’s interest in Titania is negligent to the point where he casually makes her fall in love with someone with a Donkey’s Head to get a child from her even as he himself dates other ladies.

Oberon might want to move on to the Winter Queen giving himself in exchange for Malfurion.

Only thing I don’t really like about the idea of Malfurion is it’s either being forced to follow him, which is always disappointing (I don’t like or care about Tyrande and Malfurion so anytime I have to deal with them sucks) or having to deal with the supremely milquetoast character of Hamuul Runetotem.

It did. If you bothered to pay attention.

With the entrance into the Dream sealed from the realm of the living, via the Primalists, they had to enter via the Shadowlands and to do that, they needed Ysera. But as Ysera is bound to the Shadowlands (thanks to the Winter Queen intervening and saving her soul), she cannot leave the Shadowlands to defend the Dream. Somnikus volunteered to take Ysera’s place, but as the spirits of Dragons do not go to Ardenweald (Ysera being the exception due to her exceptionally strong ties to nature) Somnikus wasn’t able to sacrifice himself for her.

Malfurion on the other hand, could, because as a Night Elf, his soul would go to Ardenweald upon his death due to his strong ties to nature. Given that he felt guilty that Ysera died when he felt he should have at the hands of Xavius, he volunteered to take her place so she could open the way to the Dream and help save it, which she did, Ysera’s power was instrumental in breaking the barrier that allowed Merithra and Gerithus to enter the Dream from their side. No Ysera, no barrier broken, meaning the Dream gets taken over by the Primalists.

Additionally, it was Ysera who effectively gave Merithra the boost she needed to take the role of Aspect. Prior to her return from the Shadowlands, Merithra did not believe herself worthy of the role and still saw her mother as the rightful aspect. Without Ysera being there, there would be no new Aspect of the Green Dragonflight.

thats just poor writing as people could talk from the dead in wow

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Sure, that could happen.

But that still wouldn’t have saved the Dream. Merithra could not get through the barrier that the Primalists set up that prevented anyone from the realm of the living getting to the Dream via the Ancient Bough.

So sure, she communicates with her mother and gets that morale boost, but the Dream is still screwed because no one can get through from their end to defeat the Primalists.

Again, they needed Ysera to break through from the other side. Her power far outstripped that of Merithra. She could not break through as long as she was bound to the Shadowlands. The only thing she could have done was open a portal. But opening a portal wasn’t going to be enough.

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Fairly sure that Ysera will return to the Shadowlands. Hell, I’d bank on it happening at the end of 10.2. Once Ysera returns, Malfurion will be released and he’ll be free to return to Azeroth.

cause they wrote it that way

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Well done Captain Obvious.

Yes, they wrote it that way, and I am explaining how it makes sense, because if you actually think about it instead of instantly dismissing it as ‘bad writing’ it actually does make sense.

But hey, if you think you can do a better job. Why not apply? You can use your history playing WoW on your resume, so you’ll have years of experience under your belt.

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Because they ruined Malfurion more than they did sylv. Him being gone is a fantastic thing

Please no. I wanna see night elf leadership that doesn’t go “Myalfuriin, my love!” Or “TYRANDE!”