Destroying Dalaran is bad and you should feel bad

Indeed… but lately writers are burning old Warcraft characters just as farmers burn a few hectares of the Amazon to be able to sow and harvest crops.

The old lore is practically dead at this point, the only thing left are the Void Lords…

Silvermoon has been half ruined since forever.

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I agree he’s great. However, everything surrounding him is alarmingly bad. The light zone, the hoops they needed to jump through to make Nathrezim work with the new lore, the pitfalls of anima as a narrative device… unfortunately Denathrius is chained by these, and cheapens the experience of him for me. I still agree he’s great in a vacuum, though.

Yeah, even Stormwind has rebuilt faster and it was attacked by Deathwing itself!

It doesn’t need to be destroyed to be rebuilt. The trail left through it just needs rebuilt. Now out of game model wise they will rebuild the whole thing. But it’s not like it needs destroyed in game further than what it already is.

Current Alliance has no claim to Lordaeron. The Forsaken are from Lordaeron. They are living in their home.

Much of this happened because the Alliance outnumbered the Horde in cities.

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Please clarify which lore you mean.

Because If you think it’s been internally consistent at damn near any point you are sorely mistaken.

Being undead is a state of living. It’s just undeath. They aren’t dead. They are undead. They just aren’t living well.

The soil of WoW is warcraft 3.

The boom of Warfract was thanks to Warcraft 3.

WoW wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for Warcraft 3.

WoW It’s the expanded universe of Warcraft 3.

The golden age of Warcraft lore is Wacraft 3.

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When they died their next of kin inherited their lands.

Lordaeron belongs to the living.

Honestly I kind of love everything involving the Nathrezim, sylvanas and the Jailer because it takes the lore to an utterly incoherent level of illogic.

It’s like having a puzzle where you have all the pieces and you know where they’re supposed to go but some psychopath has dleiberately cut them so they won’t fit properly.

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WC3 isn’t internally consistent with the lore of either WC1 or 2.

Didn’t it spend the first 4 years of WoW under a bubble because it specifically didn’t survive Archimonde?

No they did not. The Forsaken claimed UC and it’s surrounding areas and it rightfully belongs to them. Lordaeron belongs to anyone from Lordaeron.

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Yes, but W1 and W2 are not even as popular as the 3!

Only few knows Doomhammer, but everyone Knows Arthas.

The only reason why wc3 exists is because the first two games sold like gangbusters.

Also: WoW was deviating from WC3 as far back as vanilla so it’s honestly hilarious that you are trying to pull this lore argument now.

Incorrect, the correct answer is 1, Teldrassil.
The worgen city was never part of the Alliance till after the Horde helped them get it back.
Dalaran is not an alliance city, much like Shattrath is not.

Please stop intentionally posting wrong info.


I stand corrected.

I completely forgot about Gilneas, the count is 5.

No please, even now Gilneas will be never be an Alliance City…

I don’t want those stupid idiots, and their stupid king as part of the Alliance.

Ah no… queen… princess… I don’t know…

Gilneas wasn’t part of the alliance of stormwind.

I would argue they weren’t really part of the Alliance of Lordaeron given the their position was “We’re not going to co-ordinate with you, supply you or allow you access to our lands but if the orcs show up in our territory we’ll fight them… I guess.”

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