Destroying Dalaran is bad and you should feel bad

“For less then a wrist transmog a month you can ensure that Kholin has a hot meal every day…” :slight_smile:

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What do you mean with that?

is this an out of season April fools joke???

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Poor Ariathos got spoiled by this thread.

I’m being reductive. But that’s what actually destroys it in any case.

AFAIK we don’t know exactly how that event happens, though? Idk, I glazed over a lot in the beta because the pacing is the worst of any expansion to date.

No, my guess is that Xal does… something that causes the city to get swatted.

Which… it makes a certain sense to do it since the city is a basition of diplomacy and has more arcanist per square inch then oxygen atoms.

How she does it though… that’s a mystery.

Not trolling just a joke players make since Baine doesn’t do too much so at least Baine must be part of the Alliance. But my joke didn’t land with you, my bad.

It’s shot out of the sky by Orcish catapults.





is going to Crash!


I’m stupid, I’m stupid for even considerer expecting something for this new age lore!


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Yeah, it’s not great. I’m not very impressed with what I’ve seen so far.

Gameplay’s good though.

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It would make more sense for it to have been destroyed in Legion.

I don’t know who “Evil Mc Badguy” did this, but if isn’t an Old God…

I know this game is rated “T” for teenagers… but come on…

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Nobody tell him :dracthyr_sweat:

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At best it will be Xal, but in fairness she is… suspiciously as strong as Old Gods? Not that it feels that way to the average player, but she’s a Harbinger of a Void Lord, so it’s possible.

Also yeah, Dalaran didn’t survive Archimonde. And Harbinger IS much stronger than an Eredar, almost certainly.

Still garbage writing imo for a plethora of reasons unrelated to power.

Xal might actually be stronger then the extent old gods that we know of.

She is going to be wasted so bad…

She is the best of the new age lore, If we kill her in one mini expansion…

Well, we defeated Azshara in one patch…

I hope I’m wrong, I hope I’m wrong with all my human soul.

All the best WoW xpac bosses come from WC3.

Given the build up surrounding Xal I seriously doubt she’s going down in a patch; more likely she’s running around in midnight and possibly 13.0

Sire Denathrius disagrees.

We unironically agree on something. Rare.

I think the only real exception is Denathrius but he comes with a lot of garbage baggage.

Let’s face it. You couldn’t tell if it had been destroyed.

Silvermoon needs to be destroyed as it needs to be rebuilt.
It’s a weird place where you can fall through the floors and see it for what it is. Barbie’s playhouse. It’s creepy.

Thunder Bluff is a cool place full of cool taurens that have never wronged you so you should leave them alone.
Plus it’s where I call home even though I’m a BE.

Horde took this over and claimed it. The home of the Forsaken and Sylv’s HQ.

You guys weren’t using it anyway. As it is, it did get damaged but not destroyed as the sewer is still intact.

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Nah, sire was great. Problem is he was too perfect for the expansion that he existed in, though theres an implication that we see him again given how the Dreadlords ran off with Remornia.