Destroying Dalaran is bad and you should feel bad

They are residing in Lordaeron, you nitpicker. :sweat_smile:

Kind of like how trust level 1 is residing in blom’s account.

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Mine, too.

I don’t put much value on trust levels. I see the very term as an insult.

It would be nice if it could be used to prevent people from creating new threads every day.

This is something I don’t understand. What is wrong with creating threads if they’re interesting and get people to talk about the lore and the game?

I’m confused.

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Who knew an Alliance Human could be so based. Are you a Troll in disguise?

Threads to discuss lore are fine. But Blom tends to create threads to post wrong information on purpose to argue and stir up issues on the forums.


The issue is that Blom is just spamming the same points over and over again. like this is essentially the same thread that got banished to the shadow realm.

Further these threads are consistently loaded with an alliance bias and revisionism that goes into the realm of the offensive; I didn’t tolerate it when erevian or the silvie simps were running around and I’m not doing it here either.

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It’s just purely personal in this case. Hall monitors feeling that their sacred GD is being tainted.

Flagging RP posts while tossing likes to masked profanity because hypocrites gonna hypocrite.

This too. He’s been actioned before for this same topic.

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The last two haven’t even made an attempt to be an RP post, nor was this the forum to post it in to begin with.

There is a section for RP if Blom wanted to do that. He really isn’t doing that in this case. He’s just baiting, lol.



Okay, maybe. Idk as I’m not that person but how do we know that this Blom person isn’t just rp’ing?

Chances are you’re correct but still, if it’s interesting and you can learn something from it, I don’t see the harm.

I just read this after I posted the above. Does anyone go to the rp forums?

Doesn’t he usually complain when his large RP posts are moved there?

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If only there was a venue for RP on the wow forums, a tavern perhaps located at the end of the world…

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No need to try and explain folks. It’s pretty obvious to a neutral observer.

As far as I know Blom the Paladin isn’t aware of the conflict in Ukraine and Russia.

Also like… point out a single place he’s even narrated something in this thread, I guess?

Because he’d be posting in the RP section if he were and he’s notorious now for a reason, lol. You can’t see why because his posts get deleted.

It’s fine as long as things stay civil. It’s just that they don’t usually.