Destroying Dalaran is bad and you should feel bad

Why does snowstorm always have to destroy a historic Alliance city IOT advance the story?

It shows a lack of creativity, a historic Horde city has never been destroyed in the history of WoW it’s time we change that.

Orgrimmar = Sieged, not destroyed nor even damaged.
Silvermoon = Damaged
Thunder Bluff = Pristine
Lordaeron = Historic Alliance city



And Dalaran isn’t Alliance.

And if I had to spend one more expansion in that floating elven chunk of rock I was gonna be sick.


The Alliance lost all rights to the city when you abandoned it and then refused to let the rightful citizens Lordaeron be a part of your Alliance. It is a Horde city now and the Alliance never paid taxes for the land.


Well SMC could become neutral in Midnight.

Many horde players consider Thunderbluff an alliance city anyway.

Dalaran is neutral. Since both factions go there it will impact both factions instead of one or the other.

We don’t even know if Dalaran is even entirely destroyed, all we know for sure is that a piece of Dalaran has been. It’s entirely possible that Dal is extremely damage from the Nerubian attack in the TWW, but escaped along with Khadgar.

The cutscene says we “take a moment for Khadgar” not that we have confirmed his death.

No, Baine is considered to be Alliance. Thunderbluff is still seen as a Horde city.


Ah my bad! I have heard some friends say it might as well be an alliance city so I assumed it was what a lot of horde thought. Shows what assuming does! lol

On the upside, we will now have four Dalaran locations: The crater, Northrend, Broken Isles, and the new destroyed Dalaran.

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Good riddance to those horde lovers and their city

Nothing of value was lost

Burn, baby, burn!


Round 2, I suppose.

I’m assuming OP’s first post about this was deleted so he decided to spam us again with this useless conversation…

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You know it, big dog

Dalaran WAS, an Alliance city. It has been neutral since WoTLK.

That aside, I don’t want to see it destroyed either, nor do I want to see a certain archmage harmed in anyway.


That is okay, the Baine hate is real so this is an easy mistake to make.

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Oh noes, not Dadghar!


Man sits for an entire expansion.

Alliance players: I took that personally.

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This is like the 4th day in a row you made this thread, and remains stupid and wrong. Dalaran isn’t an Alliance city, and the Horde had undercity destroyed and Orgrimmar besieged and many citizens killed. Lordaeron isn’t a historically Alliance city, it was part of the Alliance of Lordaeron, you know that and have been told it repeatedly.


Psst… Alliance.

Thought tbf the SoO was a joint affair.

Uhh… No? Undercity is/was a Horde city.

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