Destroying Dalaran is bad and you should feel bad

Personally I would love a new Dalaran being built not following the design of the old one. I also like the concept of a neutral hub city that is mobile. However as an alternative a new Dalaran could be built in a pocket realm where different areas of the gameworld can be accessed. Pretty much as how Oriboros in the Shadowlands expansion did. But the layout of that place was dreadful and didn’t felt like city at all.

Such a Dalaran could be designed to be timeless so it never becomes outdated. The current situation with two Dalarans is just silly.

Are people talking ill of Thunderbluff? I love that place. Ignoring the risk of a lethal fall due to a misstep it is the most welcoming place in all of WoW.

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We were just having a discussion about if Thunderbluff is alliance.

How can anyone feel anything but gratitude for never having to deal with Dalaran again? Most overused location in the game.

Why didn’t you reply? Afraid I’d respond?

I can’t control what other people flag. A single flag from me wouldn’t hide a post.

I told you, in earnest, which I flagged. Exclusively that which falsely quoted me. Don’t chase bogeymen so close to a vacation, surely you’d rather save that energy.

WHy you trying to get me banned from the forums lmao

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Is this the third topic of the same thing now? It’s pretty much spam at this point.


I don’t care if you get banned. I just believe in cleaning up dishonest content, like quoting people and replacing what they’ve said to misrepresent them.

You avoided replying again, what are you so afraid of?

To which it shouldn’t. No faction cities should become neutral. They should create cities for the soul purpose of being neutral and leave it at that.

Who has ever said this? Even once.

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“Third” might be lowballing it a bit.

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True, it’s the third that I’ve seen, haha.

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Flagging does not guarantee a ban. Is that the impression you’re under?

Blizzard arbitrates, here. Not us. We get to flag, which is a notification to people who will arbitrate. In the case of multiple flags, it will hide the content in case it’s a sensitive topic for people. An automated precaution.


come again?

What? where? why?

You continue doing the thing I flagged you for initially.


If you’re looking for sympathy, you’re barking up the wrong tree.

In any case, I was transparent about why I flagged your posts.

Dalaran is being destroyed in TWW.

Bringing the count of Alliance/formerly alliance cities destroyed to 4.
Horde cities destroyed: 0


how? how a city that survive the siege of the blue flight and the burning legion is going to be destroyed?

WHO has enough power to do it?


It crashes lmao

His name is whispered in hushed tones from Kalimdor to Draenor, lest his wrath be provoked.

He is the one they call…
