Destroying Dalaran is bad and you should feel bad

The only one who lost an argument was you, since you started talking to yourself, essentially.


I’m going on vacation until mid august tomorrow morning anyways, it’s just funny how thin-furred some people are.

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Who was thin furred? I’m the only one who bothered talking to you, Blom. I even argued with people you usually argue with to do it. I’m many things, but easily offended isn’t one of them.

That’s why you and Malgorok are trying to send my posts to the shadow realm lol

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I flagged exclusively posts in which you falsely quoted me.

It’s one of very few things I will flag for. Slurs are the only other I can think of.

Can we not spoil the next expansion’s content in the thread title? Please?

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At least you admit it, I will give you a modicum of respect for that.

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The hell we do, stop trolling.

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I am an honest person. Though, if you think it thin skinned to hold others to that honesty… I have bad news.

They’re not entirely wrong though. Baine is its chief, and he’s as alliance as anybody…

Nope, we formed a democracy, suck it up.

Another post was just flagged lmao

Reality is funnier than fiction.

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Thunderbluff isn’t a democracy though…

I mean I feel great.

I wish we could blow up more cities.

I’ve told you which ones I’ve flagged. In fact, one of those I didn’t bother flagging, that being this one

since at this point it’s just amusing to see you give up so readily.

It’s like…

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The first one was word for word, the second one didnt even have quotes in it.

Like I said have at it because I’m going on vacation anyways, the pettiness is hilarious and I can be the hero Azeroth deserves.

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It’s part of the Horde, and that makes it part of the democracy.

Claiming it’s not shows how little you understand US democracy, but that’s ok, I’m leaving this thread now.

What does US have to do with anything… US is a republic in the real world, Thunderbluff is a chiefdom passed down from father to son, in a videogame, that’s as far from a democracy as possible…

And horde means diddly. Since you seem to want to use real world analogy, UK is part of UN, but UK is a monarchy all the same.

All I can say… is that after the shameful erasing of my tree… if Blizzard does anything to Thunder Bluff… I will become very angry.

The redo of old zones is getting old. Hey, the Expansion Design Team is running out of ideas! Let’s get a crappy color palette and go turn another legacy zone into a WoW SuperFund ™ site!

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