Destroying Dalaran is bad and you should feel bad

It’s a magical city. Those mages will wiggle a few fingers and Dalaran will be as good as new. We won’t even notice the red smears on brick and stone works.

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Impressive how blom gets worse and worse


You can always revisit it in the Wolk, Legion timelines. Will still be there we promise. Also posting in a blom thread :crazy_face: :popcorn:

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Thank you.

It’s easy to point out how ridiculous your sides argument is when put into context.

Also apparently ignore that Theramore’s major production is beer made with swamp water. :rofl:

And then they have to resort to threatening people that they won’t like them anymore? It astound me how these conversations devolve so much.

  1. Blom and I do not get along.
  2. It absolutely was a city.
  3. Read the book before you make claims such as this.
  4. No one is acting like you claim.

Par for the course every time he posts this thread and gets it deleted.

Still does not negate the fact that Theramore was, in fact, a city.

Time to mute yet another dumpster fire.

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Not really, considering your use of russia and ukraine doesn’t even work in this scenario and you just wanna make light of a real life scenario that you also probably don’t know anything about

Never said you did
Never said it wasn’t
Confirmed in the books they were supplying alliance war efforts
Blom is

I wasn’t the one who brought up real life.

Snowpine argued that if an army bombs a civilian population center the victim is the one who committed the warcrime.

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You did bring up real life, you just made light of ukraine and russia trying to talk about a virtual place in a video game

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I quoted the UN’s wartime laws, which do not say quite what you claim here, but do say that you absolutely cannot use civilians as a way to defend a military position. i.e. a military port.

Korthia was also known as the “City of Secrets” so clearly the word city doesn’t mean all that much.

You’re the one making light of an on-going war to try to “win points” on a video game forums

You lose this comparison, as usual

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You really need to stop trying to use Ukraine and Russia to deflect the issue you want to argue, especially when you’re not using equivalent analogies.


I accept your concession.

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To be slightly fair there, the rubble around the zone suggests that Korthia was a structure similar in scale to Oribos before the Jailer found his comically oversized Legend of Zelda Hookshot and smashed it into a mountain.

That aside, hoo boy, this thread set itself on fire huh

It was bound to happen, my detractors have a meltdown every time they aren’t allowed to send my thread to the shadow realm.

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Oh hey blom, I still see we’re sharing fiction so here’s mine :slight_smile:


I can do it too.


So Dalaran is in two locations in the game AND has already been destroyed once in the lore.

I think we can stop taking Blizzard Lore seriously in WoW at this point. They can destroy whatever they want, just don’t eff up my raid tier.

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Ummmmm, so Undercity still stands?

Loses an argument so tries to banish my posts to the shadow realm again.

Horde aren’t sending their best.

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