Destroying Dalaran is bad and you should feel bad

… are you seriously claiming that a city suddenly isn’t a city just because a war started up??

In other words, no, you didn’t read the novels and have no clue what you’re talking about.

Not engaging with the uninformed any further, good day.

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I’ve made what I’m claiming very clear, I’ll have this discussion with Kiyoko, you’ve always been as disingenuous as Blom. So I won’t be reiterating myself for you.

You have no clue what you’re talking about. You don’t just get to place civilians at a military location and say “oooo you can’t get us i have a human shield.”

It belonged to the trolls before Lordaeron ever settled there - and now at least we’re sharing it with them.

Just hope we’ve figured out how to trade with the gnolls and the murlocs too. Every extra hand helps.

lol, they lived there since WC3.

Yes. And they’ve been contributing to a military position for the entire duration. One that is not always at war, but is definitely used during war.

Who is at fault if when war breaks out, there are still civilians in those locations?

I mean, people can spend 10 seconds reading about theramore on the wiki and the multiple comments about it being used to supply soldiers and supplies for the alliance war efforts

It was 100% involved in the war, it was a military target

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They read the wiki though!

Just ignore that Theramore has been a city as long as Orgrimmar.

It was both a military target and a city.

Two things can be true at the same time.

(It’s kind of embarrassing watching someone argue it’s not a city when it has been cited as a city since its inception.)


I mean, sure. But so was Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, and many of the smaller settlements as well. That doesn’t mean Stormwind wasn’t a city just because it supplied soldiers and resources for the war.

Pretty much every source will list it as one of the Alliance’s most important military locations.

I’m just sick of this garbage I hear on the forums so often about how Theramore was a travesty. The bomb itself is the question, not the location. Attacking Theramore wasn’t just justified, it was expected.

I’m only going to reiterate myself so many times. After a certain amount of clarification, I can’t keep blaming myself for poor communication.

I like you, I’d really rather keep it that way.

Yes, it was originally just a city, then Jaina had alliance soldiers and supplies flooding into the barrens so it became a military target as well

The blom minded people just want to call it a city though to act like it was a huge crime to attack it and horde should of just stood around letting alliance do w/e they wanted as usual

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This is a really flawed thesis.

No, it isn’t. And this is how it works if you follow the UN world laws for war.

It is a war crime in real life to use civilians as a safety net for military operations. As per A23 under Article 8:

  1. Utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations;

Granted, Azeroth is by no means bound to our way of life - but that applies both ways. We can’t simultaneously apply our morals and ignore our laws when looking at a fictional piece and come out looking sane.

I want to stress this to be clearer for you. If you live on base in the modern era it is acceptable for you to be bombed during war.

So if a farmer is growing food that is eaten by a soldier, they’re fair game?

Not necessarily. If they live on base (in Theramore) then yes.

I believe supply lines are also subject.

I think Blizzard should destroy all the faction cities. We’ll run the two factions out of Camp Mojache and Surwich, respectively.

Ok Jan…


I don’t know what you want. Life sucks.

Dalaran is an neutral city.