Destroying Dalaran is bad and you should feel bad

Sucks Jaina went to war and broke that treaty then eh?


Yeah. Really looks like a residential location. A treat for tourists.

First sentence of the wiki you’re quoting:

Theramore Isle (a.k.a. Theramore Keep, Theramore City or simply Theramore) was a human city.

I said it said as much when I posted the quote. Keep up, you’re talking to one person, I’m talking to three. No excuse to follow slower than I am.

The ‘city’ is also commonly referred to as a Keep as shown there, and an island citadel as of Warcraft 3, particularly as it pertains to Daelin’s retreat post-raiding.

Oh okay so you literally didn’t play WC3. Like you admit it.

Since you obviously are not aware of this, more of the city beyond the walls appeared in Act 2.

h ttps://

And Yeah, it looks like a nice enough tourist attraction. :grinning:

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Still looks like a keep to me, pal.

You need to separate gameplay conveniences from the lore. Every city in the game is a shell of what it would actually be like, the world is a couple of miles across on most continents.

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You should really stop letting Blom and his butt buddy convince you that Blizzard’s poor wording trumps what’s shown in the games.

It’s a military staging position, and Daelin/Jaina’s dialogue throughout War3 makes that very clear.

I don’t even think it was an alliance city when lordaeron was the main player.

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Mfw Snowpines take is so bad that even people that never agree with me are dunking on him.

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I’d say the lore and gameplay representation of theramore are probably pretty close now tbh

Unlike you, I don’t retreat to let my little cousin on his priest twink insult people while I hide from conflict.

Look, Blom is wrong 95% of the time but Theramore City was a City, it just housed a military force in addition to a civilian population. As does basically every major city and some of the smaller ones.

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I see you’re just going to ignore everything else and how it grew over the years from a city… into a city. It’s in the novels. Cities come in different sizes. Even in real life. That doesn’t negate them from being cities.

In time, Jaina had built and taken the role of ruler in Theramore. Some citizens came to the city to make a new life for themselves, with crime being of little rate.[17]

Before the War against the Lich King, Theramore was very busy. At first, a person who was, in fact, the long-missing Varian Wrynn visited the city.[25]

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I’m willing to discuss this, because it’s incredibly disingenuous, but understandable that you’d just default to “this is a city.”

If you want to be literal, any military location can be a city. The difference is that it’s a military position, not a residential location. People need to live on site in most scenarios, and this is what causes military positions to progress into cities.

As of the time Theramore was bombed, however, it was still one of the most important military positions the Alliance held. I’m going to say it’s not a city because that paints a completely erroneous picture that the civilians there were not under the impression they could be sieged, and that they were not an active part of a war effort.

That’s what Blom’s trying to sell you.

That’s not what a city is. A city can be sieged, and being in a city doesn’t mean you have to think the city will never become involved in a war.

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Yes. Like when a Barony is sieged, it is technically the siege of a city.

But the serfs aren’t innocent, and it’s still a military position if a castle is built there, with a staged militia.

Except Theramore wasn’t just a military location. It became a city.

They were NOT an active part of a war effort. Did you even read the novels??

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It was a military position as of its bombing.

The distinction means nothing, so I’m not going to waste time calling it a city to muddy the morality of the situation.

If you produce food for soldiers, build catapults for soldiers, and maintain arms and armor for soldiers, you are an active part of a war effort.