Destroying Dalaran is bad and you should feel bad


More like dea…

Well he did hate on the centaurs and he hosted a bbq but did not let anyone eat. I get they were calling it a burial or something but I saw those wrapped meats being smoked.

It’s been established that the Alliance is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron.

Don’t worry… the Legion and Wrath copies will probably still exist. Time is very messed up on Azeroth. They could have fixed this with Chromie Time but no…

Incorrect. You saying something wrong does not establish anything.


Then your wording is kind of strange? It makes it sound like the Horde was responsible for Orgrimmar’s sieging, solely.

Undercity isn’t even destroyed, but that’s pedantry I guess at this point.

Ah, no I meant that they were Horde cities that were either destroyed or otherwise heavily damaged.

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Can you stop spamming this same thread every day, Blom? They keep getting deleted and you keep repeatedly posting it over and over.


Lol what not even close.

Garrosh and Nazgrim died you know?

Hopefully rebuild in Midnight.

Forsaken still live in it. And they are from Lordaeron.

Because they actually have so much stuff that they can lose it without hindering their experience.


This only works if you fool enough people into thinking Theramore was a city.

Which, tbf, the way everyone in the narrative cries about it after the fact, you’d think it was.

The wiki even lists it as such, despite it being a fort.

You’re not very bright are you?

In-game size never match lore size, in any videogame.

Or do you seriously think that Solitude, the capital of Skyrim, seat of the High Kings, and base of the Imperial Legion, is only comprised of 10 houses and one market shop?

Theramore was a major port city, as well as a refuge for many refugees fleeing from the Eastern kingdoms. Fact.

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Theramore was a city, complete with a Level ?? Leader, Portal, flight path, boat path, etc. It was the largest human settlement on Kalimdor and the 2nd largest alliance settlement after Teldrassil.

It was a city. It’s simply not represented any larger in game. It’s been considered a city since WC3 and was restated as such in the novels and other writings.


You really can’t get enough of me making you look like a fool, can you? You’ll even fall for bait.

Before its [destruction], it was considered the [Alliance]'s most martial presence in [Kalimdor].

The words off the same wiki.

A fort. Much like any fort in reality, which do also house civilians, at times. Subject to the same risks as the soldiers for living in a militant fort.

In word alone. Nothing about it (including its appearance before the bombing and how it’s presented in Warcraft 3) mark it as a military position, and distinctly a fort. Go do the map.

An entire city, gone in an instant, because of a madman’s foolish thirst for blood.

Why do I feel like too many people overlook this?

What’s that smell? Ah Yes, it must be the smell of Garrosh’s ashes in perma-Hell. :grin:

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Imagine trusting a fan-made wiki more than literally the official game.

Reported and blocked for trolling. Not wasting My time on this.


Snowpine will ignore this.

Lil bro clearly didn’t play WC3 where Theramore is literally a massive city-sized map with a cathedral. :rofl:


You and Blom quote it at me plenty.

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