Destroying Dalaran is bad and you should feel bad

Would you like to expand on who has inherited the city?

To be fair we did manage to reclaim some of Tirisfal.

The Kingdom of Lordaeron would also involve what is now considered the plaguelands, but the most dominant factions there are the Argent Crusade and the Silver Hand.

The city is a ruin.

All individual properties in Lordaeron however are De Jure owned by the closest living relatives of the former Lordaeron citizens who owned them.

So the current forsaken

Did you just learn a new word and that’s why you are saying it 500 times?

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Nobody has it is engulfed in poison gas. If anyone wants it they have to decontaminate the ruins perhaps I see a quest on this later in the future maybe in Midnight expansion.

I said living.

Living is not a legal requirement in ownership on Azeroth

It is in Lordaeron inheritance law at the time of the fall of Lordaeron.

The thing you never proved exists

Citation ?


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The fact that it’s a hereditary monarch passing from one living ruler to the next until the fall of Lordaeron, with properties passing from one living parent to their living children.


This is the most hilarious hill for you guys to die on.

What happens if the only “living” relative is undead?

There are no known surviving Menethils other than Calia. She allegedly has a daughter but since she’s a child and is nowhere to be found, she can’t inherit anything.

Blom said he was a former citizen.

I am gonna go find his house and steal his stuff

Hope you cleared your scroll browsing history

Blom thinks he’s in Story Forum do not feed the delusional.

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They lost their claim to ownership at the time of their death. Them later becoming Undead has no basis in property law.

A historic Alliance city has never been

an entire raid

— and it’s time we change that :clap:

… Additionally, as people pointed out: Dalaran isn’t an Alliance city, but a neutral one.
Not sure if you got the memo.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Using the logic that Dalaran is “an Alliance city” — Simply because it fought off the Horde at a point in history, is like saying Silvermoon is a "“Historic Alliance city” too.

Okay but there are no other Menethils around.

So I guess the city is up for grabs, and somebody grabbed it.

Should have called dibs.

People died or abandoned it

The people who abandoned it forfeited any ownership over it since they abandoned it cuz thats how abandoning things works

The dead people stopped being dead, so they just went back to their homes since they didn’t abandon their homes

Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken as they’re the people who stayed there so its still theirs

Nobody owns it now. It’s now a desecrated ruins. No body wants it it’s like Chernobyl on Earth.