Destroying Dalaran is bad and you should feel bad

I’ll pivot to this because I won the other argument and they’re just repeating the same pointless drivel endlessly.

Dalaran is historically an Alliance city and the Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron.

The invaders from the alliance lost it when they lost the battle for Lordaeron.

The horde used the same tactic that Russia used earlier with Napoleon and against Hitler.

Quite effective.

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The enemy can’t conquer the city if there’s no city to conquer.


There was a meeting the day before the city fell. The law was approved at a 4/5ths vote giving undead property rights.

Source : my friend Ted

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I know Ted, very honest guy

Paid me back the 15 gold he owed me the very next day, I believe this entirely

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You won the argument? :joy: According to who, yourself?

Silvermoon use to be part of the Alliance and even fought off orc skirmishes on its kingdom … By the same logic & reasoning you provided to Dalaran, are you suggesting Silvermoon is historically an Alliance city also — and thus should be returned to the Alliance? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

According to Blom, yes LMAO

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Figures tbh, lol

Im sure he wants Draenor returned to the draenei as well

The fact that you don’t seem to recognize that the undead are rational, self aware and cognizant with a comparable level of intellect (Perhaps even supperior) to a human male paladin seriously undercuts your position.

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Technically if we’re using the logic that the only law and allegiance that matters is that of the original inhabitants, then I think we all need to get off the elemental’s lawns.


Under whose authority?

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I think right now a Ghoul has superior intellect compared to whatever is fantasizing about the Laws in Lordaeron

Germany is historically a fascist dictatorship. The thing about history is it has to do with the past not right now.

India is historically a British colony… (complete the phrase).

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The alliance lawyers that delivered this notice were eaten alive by our friends in Gurubashi.

Always a Male Human Paladin posting fanfiction.


Blom: Posts a bunch of Forum RP and fanfiction.

Also Blom: tells someone to go search on Google when they disagree with his Forum RP.


It factually did not since the Forsaken occupy and own their land. UC, Brill and such belong to them. But humans are welcome to try and claim it again. Probably won’t go well for them. Alliance still cry about humans being tortured.

If you really want to play lawyer using real-world rules, being dead short-term doesn’t revoke one’s right to their property, otherwise many people who suffer heart attacks or strokes would wake up and find that they no longer own anything. By that standard, the Forsaken who were killed and raised would not count as legally dead unless they spent a substantial amount of time dead.

In-universe speculation: with the exception of individuals who wrote wills that gave their property and possessions to someone who didn’t also die in the massacre when Arthas murdered Terenas, said property would have gone to the state (per jurisdictions, until it can be auctioned off, with the proceeds then being divided among any remaining heirs). As there was nobody left to handle the selling and redistributing of Lordaeron’s assets, it remained with Lordaeron.

When the Forsaken were raised into undeath (ie, they were no longer dead) and eventually freed from the Scourge’s influence, they returned to the land and squatted there. Questionable legality, since it technically might not have been their property anymore (depending on how long they were dead and whether any legal ruling was passed), but there wasn’t anyone to kick them out, and attempts to “reclaim” the kingdom by outside factions like the Alliance and the Scarlet Crusade failed for years.

When Calia returned, she was still a claimant to the throne as the last living heir. Though she did not claim the crown, Anduin acknowledged her as Lordaeron’s rightful Queen, and in her eyes the Forsaken were Lordaeron’s rightful citizens. When she died, Lordaeron’s monarchy was finally over. No royals, no claimants, no heirs. Since she never claimed the crown, her husband has no claim to become King, and her daughter has no claim to be Princess or Queen, and as she was the final thing Lordaeron had to an “original” official, if it really boiled down to her, the final matter of the nation’s property either did one of two things:

  • Per her acknowledgement of Lordaeron’s citizens, the land became the property of those citizens
  • Any claims to the land were dissolved completely alongside the kingdom, giving the Forsaken the ability to claim it for themselves as the people currently living on it

In either case, the Forsaken stopped being dead a long time ago, and they are fully, legally, allowed to stake their claims until they truly die.

In short, the Forsaken live in Lordaeron, they’ve lived there and will continue to live there, until they all die or someone else takes it in conquest, it belongs to them.

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