Destroying Dalaran is bad and you should feel bad


I am correct.

Google how inheritances work I guess if you dont understand.

What living person should rule ? Through lawful inheritance.

Now remember.

You already contradicted yourself once in this

Please quote my contradiction.

The Kingdom of Lordaeron has fallen and all its residents left.
The former residents become the forsaken, and they have conquered everyone who challenged their sovereignty there.

So, Lordaeron becomes to the Horde and the Forsaken.

The alliance has no claim there.

Just cope. And cope harder.

I feel like inheritances would work a bit differently if people could come back to life in the real world as well

But you obviously don’t wanna think about that part

I mean… which instance are we going to take as immutable truth, then?

Presumably, Caligula made one of his horses senator to prove a point. It’s not like monarchies have ever been consistent.

Where is Google located in World of Warcraft?

This is borderline delusion at this point lol.

Laws change with the times.

The Menethil line was removed from rulership and the Alliance refused to deal with the new management. The Alliance have no more claim to that nation.

They could, and have, choose to be an invading army trying to take it by force.

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Right when you show me what living person has inherited the ruling of the city

Some of you don’t know the difference between de facto and de jure and it’s showing.

Ok. And what living person has inherited and is entitled to ruling the city?

So tell them. It’s not as helpful as you’re making it out to be. De jure is rightful in claim, de facto is essentially ‘informally’

ANYWAY I wanted to play my game now. I really am peeling myself away for a bit.


We just need him to quote the source in game or from official sources about what he just claimed.

It is just in his head…

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No one own Lordaeron now because of poison gas engulfing the place. Nobody can go there right now still.

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I just decided that I’m the ruler of Stormwind.

Prove me wrong.

Source: Henceforth’s Law.

I agree dalaran being destroyed is bad and dumb actually but it’s been neutral for like decade ingame time…

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Dalaran being destroyed is both good and desired by the majority of players (me) and will only be a disappointment if Dadghar doesn’t actually go down with the ship.

“I won’t quote ingame sources for my claims but you must do so”

This is true, which makes them dying on this hill even funnier. Of all the things they want to argue about it’s the one in which not only am I clearly right but it also makes the most logical sense.

I recently went over there and killed Alleria and Turelyon so I technically conquered it, so stormwind is mine

Blom is now one of my citizens

You’re making the claim, you have to defend it