Destroying Dalaran is bad and you should feel bad

Technically, since she never claimed the throne, she was never the hereditary monarch. Only a claimant. While the throne remains unclaimed, per the letter of this law, the qualified child does exist.

Her claim died with her.

If her daughter is still alive the daughter would have a claim to the throne however.

Nothing you’ve shown me says as much. To quote; “…the crown typically passes to the next generation of the family. If no qualified child exists, the crown may pass to a brother, sister, nephew, niece, cousin, or other relative, in accordance with a predefined order of succession, often enshrined in legislation.”

The only mention of loss of claim due to death is with the monarch. Not the claimants. “When the monarch of a hereditary monarchy dies or abdicates…”

Is there a source for that law in World of Warcraft?
I would like to see the documents, please.

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Her claim died with her.

Lordaeron belongs to the living.

An impasse, then. Calia is the rightful heir, able and willing to take up the mantle.

Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken.

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She is the de facto ruler of the Forsaken but not the De Jure ruler of Lordaeron.

Calia is a horrible character that is just there on behalf of the alliance.

No forsaken should want her around. She only exist because of and for the Alliance.

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Lordaeron belongs to the Horde.

An impasse would require him to be actually right on his claim.

She is not claiming Lordaeron, though.
I’m not sure the Forsaken would follow her either.

Is there a source in game that confirm your claims?

Yes, Lordaeron law.

Please link the official source, or state where it is located in game.

She is both, and neither precludes the other.

Anyway, Blom, hopefully this gave you a bit of what you’re after. I’m off to play my game.

Idk how I feel about her. The whole thing felt so contrived, but I guess I’m numb to it now.


I think the Forsaken would, but I don’t actually think Calia would accept the throne. I just wanted to see if Blom would follow that thread respectfully, and surprisingly, he did.

Calia gave up all royal titles and claims


The fact you think they would have a law allowing a corpse to be king is insane.

As a former citizen of Lordaeron I think I know better than an Orc and a fox, please take your trolling elsewhere.

Sorry, turns out Lordaeron Law states as long as the person(s) are able to reside in their homes and continue with their duties, they are the legal owners of it

Turns out Lordaeron does belong to the forsaken

Considering all occupants are corpses.

We are all humans, from earth

Unless this is you saying you’re just roleplaying and this should be moved to the roleplaying section of the forums

That’s the thing about laws; they work the other way around. They’d need a law preventing it, not a law allowing it. Though it CAN change based on judicial system, traditionally this is the method through which monarchies ruled, same as us. The laws just sucked because everyone was generally less educated.

This is not the Story Forum where you make your fan-fictions.
Stop posting cringe like that, it is unbecoming.

Lordaeron is de facto occupied by the Forsaken.

Lordaeron de jure belongs to the living.